The girls are here!! Finally!
They were born last Saturday July 22nd.. 4 weeks early. I guess the spicy Mexican dinner may have helped! I went to the hospital late in the afternoon last Saturday after much debate.. I thought for sure they would send me home, but much to our surprise I was actually in labor! Yee ha!
About 3 hours later, I was having a c-section, and the girls were born less than a minute apart. It's been a blur since then.. lots of visitors, tons of food being brought over.. amazing support from my family and friends... My husband and I are getting no sleep, which we expected. We've been out a couple of times, just back to the hospital for bloodwork (the girls were jaundice, but are doing much better) We are quite the attraction, with our huge stroller, and tiny bundles lost in the car seats.
The boys are adjusting well, they love their babies!! My time online is going to be limited.. the girls are currently napping, and the boys are watching a show.. Here a few pics from this past week...
Here's my husband suited up for surgery.. He looks like a terrorist in a haz-mat suit!
And here are the boys at the hospital for a visit. They were both getting over colds, but had no problem dressing up like doctors!
Here are the girls this morning.. exhausted from keeping us up all night!!