My son is still learning how to ride his bike. It's a slow process, and surprisingly he's been slowed down a bit by his fear of falling (something I honestly never thought he possessed.) Today I took the girls on a walk, and he wanted to come along on his bike. He got ready, put on his helmet, and we proceeded down the hill in front of our house.
This is what he looked like when we started..

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the whole braking concept down, and as soon as he got on the road, and started down the hill, he freaked out. He only skinned his shins, but his ego was crushed. This was what he opted for instead of his bike.. his big wheel..

Unfortunately again, we ended up seeing some kids in the neighborhood, and wouldn't you know, he absolutely refused to ride that big wheel. It was not cool. Instead, he pushed the girls home in their stroller, while I carried the sad, pathetic baby big wheel home..