As I type, my 6 year old is on the couch, asleep.. recovering.
This morning, when he was playing in my bedroom downstairs with his cousin and twin sisters, he jumped off my bed, hit my ceiling fan and fell to the floor.
Of course I didn't witness any of this because I am the wonderful parent I am, and was upstairs taking care of the rest of the household of children.
When I heard the crying, I went downstairs and found my mom was in my room already and my son was on the floor, grabbing his ankle, screaming out of control. I thought he had broken it. It wasn't until I got closer to him, that I saw the huge welt on his left forehead.
It only took moments for me to realize that this was no normal bump, and that the screams I was hearing were none that I had ever heard before. These were serious cries.. the ones that tell you in the pit of your mother gut, that something is not right.
He wasn't responding to me, and only continued to cry. I ended up having to carry him upstairs, and lay him on the couch, where he stopped crying and instantly started to fall asleep. After a phone call to the local Emergency Room, my husband carried him to the car, my mom stayed with the rest of the kids, and I drove as fast as I could..
Upon arriving to the hospital and after checking in, he started vomiting. Naturally I thought he had some sort of bleed in his brain, and that we were going to be airlifting him to a neurological hospital in Boston.
I was soon put to ease when the triage nurse told me that his vitals were all great, and that most likely it was just a concussion. Thank God. The mind of a mother in distress is a dark place.
The ER doctor thought it was best if they gave him an i.v. to administor meds to help him with the nausea, and to get a cat scan to rule out any sort of serious issue, like a bleed. I was more than willing to have any testing done. My husband was a wreck, more so than me, which is the way our relationship runs. He freaks out, and I calm him down. I knew at that moment, when I was holding his hand and they were strapping his arm to a board putting in the i.v. (while my husband stepped out of the room) that I would have my breakdown later.
The cat scan thankfully came back negative, and my son was a trooper through the entire ordeal. The dr. wanted to keep him there for a while to make sure his vomitting stopped.. eventually it did, and we were discharged with instructions to wake him every 2 hours for the next 24.
This will be his 4th visit to the ER for head related injuries (the other 3 were for stitches) The concussion has been the most serious. I'm going to try to sleep tonight, and not worry about him.. although how can I? My husband is going to stay with him, and wake him and find out if he still knows who we are.. and to make sure he's still breathing..
update: This post took me almost two days to write.. my son is doing great. At this point, one would never know that yesterday he was so sick.. in fact, as I type right now, he's playing with my wireless mouse, and pretty much driving me up a wall.. welcome back buddy! I missed you!