Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Holy Shit!!!!!!
I've been sitting on some news for a few weeks now..dying to blog about it, but keeping it quiet.. until now!! My husband and I are going to be having another baby!! It was a surprise- one of our Friday fun nights kind of back fired.. and here we are.. But wait, there's more, this isn't why I'm calling this blog entry holy shit.. I'm calling it that because ever since yesterday, when I had my first official dr's appointment, that's all I've been able to say.. She did an ultrasound.. and lo and behold, there were two tiny little babies in there!! Say it with me folks HOLY SHIT!! I'm having twins! It's been surreal ever since then.. I got no sleep last night because I just kept waiting to wake up from this very bizarre dream I was having.. I'm not awake yet!! My husband had to sit down when he saw the two babies in my belly.. "I'm a teacher..I don't know how we're going to do this" Meanwhile, I'm laughing, and holy shit is just racing through my mind.. I thought 3 kids would be insane, but manageable..but 4?? And twins?? Jesus! I have no baby clothes, I got rid of all of them because we were done having babies.. no maternity clothes.. Ugh.. but amidst all the chaos of finding out that I'm going to puff up like a balloon, and have to push out 2 (not 1, but 2) babies, I'm really excited. I am afterall, a twin.. so I look forward to watching my own set of twins grow, and hope that they have the same special bond that I have with my own twin.. My husband is excited too, I keep seeing him with a glowing smile on his face.. and I totally agree with him when he said yesterday, that there had better be at least one girl in there!! We'll find out in the up coming months.. It's going to be a long ass winter/spring and summer.. I'm due in August, so I'm still early- I know I should probably wait til I'm a little further along to be blabbing about this, but I am just not one of those people that can keep my mouth shut.. so here's to a healthy pregnancy, a fabulous, pain free delivery, and at least one girl! :)
Friday, December 23, 2005
My boys got an early Christmas present last night.. in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Fun, Fun!! I had just gotten home from work last night, with a happy meal for each of them.. it was about 2 minutes later that my youngest son was standing next to me complaining about what I thought was him biting his tongue, when he just let loose.. It's been a long time since I've seen that much puke! And it went everywhere! It was coming out of his nose, and he was freaking out. It's one of those moments that you wish you could have reacted faster to, but time was not our side last night. The poor kid just wanted his mommy to hold him, and I'm thinking no way buddy, these are dry clean only pants.. but of course I pick him up, and try to catch the next wave of puke as it goes everywhere. My husband was oblivious to what was going on.. even though I was yelling to him in the next room that I needed help.. he finally did come to our rescue, and wiped up most of the vomit. I expected my son would want to just sit on my lap til bed time, but oh no.. not this kid! He was off like a rocket after that, like nothing had happened. Luckily he slept pretty good, and has seemed fine since then.
So, I guess I could stop at the puke story, but I did mention I must continue. That was what my oldest son was plagued with last night.. all night. He kept waking up telling me that his belly hurt. My husband and I took turns taking him to the toilet, where he dumped more watery poop than I thought possible (I'm sorry to be so gross..but I wouldn't want to sugar coat it for ya, it was nasty!) There were only two times when he didn't quite make it, and we needed to change his underwear. His poor little bum is very sore today.. from all that poopin'. I even put diaper cream on him, so that it would give him some relief (which it did) But he was all worried that someone from school might see him, and know that he's wearing diaper cream for babies! I assured him that wouldn't happen.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted today.. My husband is out doing his Christmas shopping, and I've been cooking for our Xmas eve dinner here tomorrow night. I just called him though, and told him that I need a nap! He'll rush right home (I'm sure!)
Anyway, the boys appear to be fine now, as they are throwing toys at each other in the living room. I'm glad that this came last night, and not when they were waiting for Santa..
So, I guess I could stop at the puke story, but I did mention I must continue. That was what my oldest son was plagued with last night.. all night. He kept waking up telling me that his belly hurt. My husband and I took turns taking him to the toilet, where he dumped more watery poop than I thought possible (I'm sorry to be so gross..but I wouldn't want to sugar coat it for ya, it was nasty!) There were only two times when he didn't quite make it, and we needed to change his underwear. His poor little bum is very sore today.. from all that poopin'. I even put diaper cream on him, so that it would give him some relief (which it did) But he was all worried that someone from school might see him, and know that he's wearing diaper cream for babies! I assured him that wouldn't happen.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted today.. My husband is out doing his Christmas shopping, and I've been cooking for our Xmas eve dinner here tomorrow night. I just called him though, and told him that I need a nap! He'll rush right home (I'm sure!)
Anyway, the boys appear to be fine now, as they are throwing toys at each other in the living room. I'm glad that this came last night, and not when they were waiting for Santa..
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
My nephews new plan (as of 1pm today) The Coast Guard.. or maybe another facet of the military.. fine with me. I agree with Bob when he said it's not the best time to be joining the military, but it could be just what this kid needs. He couldn't do any worse than his father did at his age when he joined the army. He went awol, eventually returned (after pickpocketing some old lady in Florida went sour) and was eventually let out for medical reasons- not sure what kind of medical issues he had at that point.. but whatever.. I still think he'd do better than his dad! So, let's hope something happens here.. something inspires him.. He's at least trying to figure it all out.. I guess..
Monday, December 19, 2005
Home again
My nephew is home.. yee friggin hah! His homecoming was sweetened when we found out that he didn't pass ANY of his classes.. nor did he go to any of his finals.. Why would he? He would have had to get a 90 to even pass the class! Ugh... So, all his shit's home (which smells like a boy who doesn't do laundry, or care all that much about hygiene) He's already pissed us off to no end.. dishes in the sink.. using our cars- leaving trash in them.. My husband had to search his room this morning for his car keys. I then discovered this morning, that he's been reading my emails.. hmmm.. I had one opened, that I hadn't opened, and no one else in the house had either. So, when he finally reappeared from a sleepover this afternoon, I asked him if he would please respect my privacy, and not open my emails... he denied doing it at first, then fessed up.. I don't know what that boys problem is.. but he's going to drive us crazy. My husband's given him 6 months to get his shit together, get focused, or get the hell out. He's paying rent (which I'm sure he's not happy about) But you know, we've done so much for this kid, and all he does is throw it back in our faces.. When we found out that he had gotten suspended, we had a talk about what he needed to do next. Figure out his financial aid situation, meet with his advisor, and check out the local community college about taking some classes this winter so that if he wanted to transfer he could. And of course I begged him to try to make the most of the last few weeks, and really buckle down. Sure, no problem. He was on board.. so I thought. He didn't do any of it! Nothing.. I know he's still a kid, I know that he's immature, and still trying to find his way.. but this is ridiculous! Anyone out there want a roommate??
Friday, December 16, 2005
Love Dad..
I got a Christmas card today from a sister of mine that I met when I was 16.. Yes, I didn't know she existed until I met her at my dad's wedding. Like watching your father marry someone besides your mom isn't awkward enough, let's add a half sister you never knew about! Hmm.. I can't tell you how strange it is to walk into a room, and see someone (who does not happen to be your twin) that looks a lot like you.. She's 2 years older than my sister and I. And in my father's defense, he didn't know she existed either, until she turned 18. It's typical of my father to decide that his wedding would be a perfect time to introduce his new daughter. Why would the other ones mind?? I mean, he was already marrying a woman who had a 7 year old daughter who called him daddy, why would we mind one more??
Anyway, she was very nice, although I think she felt way more awkward than any of us! This was how her new dad was introducing her to her "new family" at his friggin wedding..Weird. She's married now, and has 3 kids. They live in Northern NH. She's been to all of our wedding/baby showers, and things like that. My dad's tried to develop a relationship with her as well, although I think she was in for a bit of a surprise there.. he's not exactly the fatherly type. He lives about 10 minutes up the street from me, and I only see him a few times a year. That's just the way it's always been, I'm assuming it's the way he wants it. Whatever. I've hoped to develop some sort of relationship with her, but it's hard to do that when so much time has passed.. ya know??
Anyway, it reminded me that I've got to send her a card too! damn!
This is worth noting too.. the woman my dad married, he divorced. She like country and he liked rock n roll (isn't that why every marriage breaks up??) He's since then given up on ever marrying again, which is fine with me.. But his sour attitude about marriage spilled over onto my wedding gift.. This is good! He gave my husband and I a rock.. it was actually quite beautiful (for a rock- and yes, this was my wedding gift!!), it has our names carved into it, with our anniversary date, and "ALWAYS" under it.. It's something you would put in your garden (or basement-whatever) But then, you flip over the rock, and it simply says "Oh Well" How harsh is that?? Anyway, what am I to expect from a man who was an hour late to walk me down the aisle?? yup, he was! good lord..
Anyway, she was very nice, although I think she felt way more awkward than any of us! This was how her new dad was introducing her to her "new family" at his friggin wedding..Weird. She's married now, and has 3 kids. They live in Northern NH. She's been to all of our wedding/baby showers, and things like that. My dad's tried to develop a relationship with her as well, although I think she was in for a bit of a surprise there.. he's not exactly the fatherly type. He lives about 10 minutes up the street from me, and I only see him a few times a year. That's just the way it's always been, I'm assuming it's the way he wants it. Whatever. I've hoped to develop some sort of relationship with her, but it's hard to do that when so much time has passed.. ya know??
Anyway, it reminded me that I've got to send her a card too! damn!
This is worth noting too.. the woman my dad married, he divorced. She like country and he liked rock n roll (isn't that why every marriage breaks up??) He's since then given up on ever marrying again, which is fine with me.. But his sour attitude about marriage spilled over onto my wedding gift.. This is good! He gave my husband and I a rock.. it was actually quite beautiful (for a rock- and yes, this was my wedding gift!!), it has our names carved into it, with our anniversary date, and "ALWAYS" under it.. It's something you would put in your garden (or basement-whatever) But then, you flip over the rock, and it simply says "Oh Well" How harsh is that?? Anyway, what am I to expect from a man who was an hour late to walk me down the aisle?? yup, he was! good lord..
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
We ended up taking my youngest son to the ER last week, and they glued his head back together.. It ended up being a bigger hole than we thought, and couldn't deny it any longer. Luckily, he was on his best behavior and sucked it up like the little man that he is.
As for the hole in my roof.. hmm... well, it only leaked moderately after last Friday's snow storm, and it only caused some minor damage to the ceiling in our upstairs hallway.. and one of our closets, which of course happened to be housing all the kids xmas gifts.. but nothing was damaged.. It's getting very cold outside, and not so warm inside.. Rain is due by the end of this week, and we still have no walls, or a roof in our new room.. it's freaking me out a little!
I must say that today was one of the longest days of my life.. my two nieces are both teething, both refusing to sleep, and both wanting to be held constantly. It would be fine if I came equipped with an extra set of arms (like Mr. Potato Head..wouldn't that be great??) Lets just say that I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor, trying to make room for everyone on my lap!
This is my last week without my nephew back living with us.. having to borrow our cars, messing up the house.. driving me generally insane... I can't seem to get in touch with him either, which is driving me insane as well. He won't return my calls, or my emails.. I just love how responsible he is!
I'm looking forward to the holidays.. and getting a wonderful gift or two from my husband.. :) I found a receipt from Dick's Sporting Goods (my favorite store- NOT) but I only saw one thing on it (I wasn't snooping, it was just sitting on the kitchen table, and I stopped reading it when I realized it wasn't mine..) but it would appear that he got me an air mattress.. I guess so he won't be uncomfortable during all those nights when I kick him out of bed.. haha, no, I'm sure it's for when we go camping.. I was bitching last summer about wanting one.. And I have no idea what else he could get me at Dicks..but I'll soon find out! I requested some new pj's and an electric blanket (with dual controls) I'm so tired of being cold! And he hates them.. something about cancer.. well, speaking of xmas, I got some last minute on line shopping to do..
As for the hole in my roof.. hmm... well, it only leaked moderately after last Friday's snow storm, and it only caused some minor damage to the ceiling in our upstairs hallway.. and one of our closets, which of course happened to be housing all the kids xmas gifts.. but nothing was damaged.. It's getting very cold outside, and not so warm inside.. Rain is due by the end of this week, and we still have no walls, or a roof in our new room.. it's freaking me out a little!
I must say that today was one of the longest days of my life.. my two nieces are both teething, both refusing to sleep, and both wanting to be held constantly. It would be fine if I came equipped with an extra set of arms (like Mr. Potato Head..wouldn't that be great??) Lets just say that I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor, trying to make room for everyone on my lap!
This is my last week without my nephew back living with us.. having to borrow our cars, messing up the house.. driving me generally insane... I can't seem to get in touch with him either, which is driving me insane as well. He won't return my calls, or my emails.. I just love how responsible he is!
I'm looking forward to the holidays.. and getting a wonderful gift or two from my husband.. :) I found a receipt from Dick's Sporting Goods (my favorite store- NOT) but I only saw one thing on it (I wasn't snooping, it was just sitting on the kitchen table, and I stopped reading it when I realized it wasn't mine..) but it would appear that he got me an air mattress.. I guess so he won't be uncomfortable during all those nights when I kick him out of bed.. haha, no, I'm sure it's for when we go camping.. I was bitching last summer about wanting one.. And I have no idea what else he could get me at Dicks..but I'll soon find out! I requested some new pj's and an electric blanket (with dual controls) I'm so tired of being cold! And he hates them.. something about cancer.. well, speaking of xmas, I got some last minute on line shopping to do..
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Last Easter my youngest son had his first set of stiches, 3 right above his eyebrow. Today, he almost got his second. We opted on butterfly band aids instead.. but the funny thing about this gash, is that it starts at the very beginning of the old scar, but goes straight up.. he basically has an "L" on his forhead.. poor chump!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
There's a huge hole in my roof. We're paying for it to be there.. and someday it'll be our new master bedroom (I shouldn't say "master", that makes it sound big.. and it's going to be rather small) But it's still going to give us some extra room none the less! However, at this very moment, it's just a big hole.. and it's getting a bit drafty in our house. We've been promised some walls before the impending snow storm on Friday.. but walls don't worry me so much as a roof! Aw well, it'll all be worth it someday.. we'll just throw another jacket on.. and bundle the boys up good..
Saturday, December 03, 2005
That was a blonde moment
I guess I panicked a little bit in my last post.. as it turns out, there's actually something called a bid retraction on ebay, specifically for typographical errors. Imagine that, a billion dollar corporation having something like that! I can be such a tool!
Friday, December 02, 2005
I am so f'ing screwed.. I was bidding for some stupid ass xmas oranments on ebay (after having a few beers) and some how I bid $110 for Rudolph ornaments (for my husband) and put my maximum bid at $520. I don't know how I did this, or how to fix it. Are there any ebayer's out there to help me?? I'm sooooo fucked!!! This is not how I expected ebay would ruin my life.. but I think it just did................
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Potty talks...
I was in the bathroom last night with my oldest son waiting for him to finish his business (he's back to not being able to go unless there is someone in there, and his little brother was busy) Anyway, to pass the time he starts asking me about how babies are made.. well, not so much as how they're made, but how they come out of your belly. I was trying to let him draw his own conclusions, since he's only 5. I don't think he's quite ready for the nitty gritty of it all. I'm always amazed by the minds of such young children. This is what he's assuming.. You go to the hospital, the parents pick out a baby that looks good and grown, and they put it in your belly. Exactly! So, I think we're done.. but noooo.. He then asks me how does the baby get out.. hmm.. So, I kind of tell him. We've had a talk about how girls and boys are different, how boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina (pagina, remember??) I tell him that the baby comes out of a woman's vagina.. "what's that??" apparently his memory is even worse than his mothers.. But then he says "oh, is that your pee pee?" "yes" hoping this is it.. Of course he starts thinking, and says rather horrified, "they cut off your pee pee??" Ugh.. No, and then I promise to tell him all about babies when he's 10.. yikes.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Know what's scary??

When a strange man comes to your house, speaks little or no English, and is trying to open your door, saying "patch job, patch job" I don't know what the fuck he was talking about, but it scared the bejesus out of me. I happened to be on the phone with blogless when it all "went down" She was freaking on the other line, telling me to lock both my doors.. It wouldn't have been so freaky if he hadn't kept trying to open up my storm door, the one that I'm holding, and at that point trying to shut. I finally told him that I didn't need any work done, and that he was at the wrong house. He had no idea what I was saying, but apparently whatever language he spoke, NO means no.. and he left. After locking the doors I watched him go to his truck and leave.. I was already to use my self defense that I had learned 10 years ago.. I could have taken him! ;)
More bugs..
It would appear that we're back to square one with my oldest son and the bugs.. ugh.. It happened today, he went to the bathroom, all by himself..only to start screaming minutes later that he needed me. Well, when I went in, there was a bug on the outside of the bathroom window. He was sitting there on the toilet, freaking out. So, I thought the best thing would be to open the window, and flick the bug off the screen. I didn't notice the roll of toilet paper sitting on the window sill when I opened the window, but it tumbled down on top of my son, and sent him flying.. He thought the bug was coming to get him. He ran out into the hallway, where my sister and brother in law were.. bundling up my niece and getting ready to leave. All I saw was his bare butt heading for the living room. He didn't care who saw him, he just wanted away from that bug that was outside..
So, after the company left, I finally managed to get him to come a little closer to the bathroom, so that at least I could wipe his butt... Mid-shit, and he totally freaked out. I'm sure this will only make him regress, and he'll be asking his little brother to take him to the potty once more.. two steps forward, and about a gazillion back..
So, after the company left, I finally managed to get him to come a little closer to the bathroom, so that at least I could wipe his butt... Mid-shit, and he totally freaked out. I'm sure this will only make him regress, and he'll be asking his little brother to take him to the potty once more.. two steps forward, and about a gazillion back..
Saturday, November 26, 2005
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, thy leaves are so unreal!!
We got our Christmas tree today.. at Home Depot.. it came in a box.. I've never had a fake tree, in fact, it goes against everything that I believe in.. which happens to be that the only tree you should have in your home, be cut down, and die for you on the holiday. But in an effort to spare the kids I watch some agony, I've opted for a fake one this year. This was my husbands dream come true.. he's wanted a fake one our entire relationship, but I've never caved. Growing up, my grandparents grew Christmas trees. It's been one of my favorite childhood memories, going over and walking through their yard with all the trees. They had customers that would come by months before the holiday to tag their tree. It was part of their livelihood, they grew trees and corn.. But this year, I've been worried about my young 9 month old, very mobile, very apt to put anything in her mouth niece. So, I thought what better way to spare the poor child of any nasty painful pine needles, than to insure that the tree I got would never drop anything dangerous on floor that might make it's way to her mouth.. That solves one problem.. a bigger one is making sure she doesn't pull it down on top of herself.. Ugh.. it's going to be a long holiday season!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
When a 5 yr old explodes....
Today should have been a very easy day for me.. I only had my 17 month old niece, and my own children. Piece of cake compared to what I'm normally doing.. At some point today, my oldest son told me that someone had drawn on a chair in the living room. Hmm... It wasn't just a slip of someone's pen, or a teeny little scribble. It was about 6 huge black lines on both arms of the fabric covered chair. Long lines too, from the front to the back. It looked like someone was trying to create their own plaid design, and got caught in the middle of it.. however, I totally missed this happening, and figured my 2 year old had been up to no good.
When I asked my son who did it, he said "I did, but I don't know why" He was just sitting in the chair, with a pen, some paper, and an apparent need to ruin my chair.. I kept my cool, surprisingly, and told him that he's not to draw on the furniture, only paper.. same schpeil that I've been giving him since he was 2. This did not go over well with him. He lost his shit with me, told me that I should say I was sorry for yelling at him ( seriously, I didn't yell.. ) He then went on to tell me that I was a bad mom for looking at him the way I did.. and that if I didn't apologize that he was going to run away, and that he didn't love me, and that he hated me.. WOW! That was pretty much how I reacted. I'm thinking that he was so upset with himself, that he took it out on me, because REALLY, there was no yelling! And nothing nasty about it. Perhaps the look of disappointment on my face when I discovered that he had done it, was just too much for him.
It made me feel like a heel, although when he went on about how he would go live with his grammie, I did get a little chuckle. He told me he was going to walk there.. but that I would have to give him directions because he wasn't sure which left to take!!
He eventually calmed down, and has been apologizing to me all afternoon, about saying those mean things to me. At least I know this is a child that isn't going to internalize much! jeez.. I didn't bother to mention to him that his grammie is getting us a new chair for Christmas, and we probably won't keep the one he drew on.. I figured he should worry about it just a little!
When I asked my son who did it, he said "I did, but I don't know why" He was just sitting in the chair, with a pen, some paper, and an apparent need to ruin my chair.. I kept my cool, surprisingly, and told him that he's not to draw on the furniture, only paper.. same schpeil that I've been giving him since he was 2. This did not go over well with him. He lost his shit with me, told me that I should say I was sorry for yelling at him ( seriously, I didn't yell.. ) He then went on to tell me that I was a bad mom for looking at him the way I did.. and that if I didn't apologize that he was going to run away, and that he didn't love me, and that he hated me.. WOW! That was pretty much how I reacted. I'm thinking that he was so upset with himself, that he took it out on me, because REALLY, there was no yelling! And nothing nasty about it. Perhaps the look of disappointment on my face when I discovered that he had done it, was just too much for him.
It made me feel like a heel, although when he went on about how he would go live with his grammie, I did get a little chuckle. He told me he was going to walk there.. but that I would have to give him directions because he wasn't sure which left to take!!
He eventually calmed down, and has been apologizing to me all afternoon, about saying those mean things to me. At least I know this is a child that isn't going to internalize much! jeez.. I didn't bother to mention to him that his grammie is getting us a new chair for Christmas, and we probably won't keep the one he drew on.. I figured he should worry about it just a little!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Debauchery and the Knitting Lesson
The sleep over at Contagious' was a lot of fun. And there was no puking in anyone's recycling bin, or toilet, or restaurant bathroom. I was very well behaved.. In fact, I was up til after 2 getting a knitting lesson from Contagious. I had no idea how much I was going to love it, or how lame it would sound later!
We had dinner at a swanky restaurant in Portsmouth. The food was good, but the portions were tiny. It's one of those places that you get a huge plate, and barely anything on it. I was hungry after I left. But the drinks were good, and the company was great. We hit a bar afterwards, where we saw the "cool kids" that Contagious had referenced before. A couple of us tried to play some tunes on the jukebox, but of course we were long gone before they were played. We had a nice walk back to Contagious' house, where we had a night cap, and a knitting lesson.
The four hours of sleep that I got, were totally uninterrupted, and very sound. I left early, headed to the grocery store, then resumed my mom duties once again.. At this moment my youngest is whining at my feet.. wanting to cuddle.. So much for debauchery! But I can't wait to get some yarn, and start a-knitting!!
We had dinner at a swanky restaurant in Portsmouth. The food was good, but the portions were tiny. It's one of those places that you get a huge plate, and barely anything on it. I was hungry after I left. But the drinks were good, and the company was great. We hit a bar afterwards, where we saw the "cool kids" that Contagious had referenced before. A couple of us tried to play some tunes on the jukebox, but of course we were long gone before they were played. We had a nice walk back to Contagious' house, where we had a night cap, and a knitting lesson.
The four hours of sleep that I got, were totally uninterrupted, and very sound. I left early, headed to the grocery store, then resumed my mom duties once again.. At this moment my youngest is whining at my feet.. wanting to cuddle.. So much for debauchery! But I can't wait to get some yarn, and start a-knitting!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Sleep ovahhhhhhhhhh.....
I'm going to a sleepover this weekend.. at Contagious' house! Yee friggin hah! It's a birthday dinner for Blogless, and a big old celebration to get her out!! I'm looking forward to a fabulous dinner at a new restaurant in Portsmouth.. lots of drinking.. and a great night sleep!! No one calling to me in the middle of the night (at least there had better be no one calling for me..I only plan on holding my own hair back) And no one waking me at 6 am to go downstairs for breakfast!!
Ahh.. this will be on the heals of my first craft fair.. My husbands school is having one, and I've got a table there.. no more strip clubs for me, no sirree! I plan on getting some customers who aren't interested in dildo's or edible undies!! Wish me luck!!
Ahh.. this will be on the heals of my first craft fair.. My husbands school is having one, and I've got a table there.. no more strip clubs for me, no sirree! I plan on getting some customers who aren't interested in dildo's or edible undies!! Wish me luck!!
Bad Hair Day..
My son went to school today with a serious case of bed head. My husband was appalled that I had let him go to school like that, and fears that kids are going to make fun of him. Um, if they can all pick their noses in front of each other and not give a rats ass, then no one is going to comment on the state of his hair!! Right??
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Helping out in the Classroom..
I was a helper in my son's kindergarten class today. It was a truly learning experience! First I learned that pink mini skirts matched up with a pink blazer, black nylons, pink shoes, with a gold anklet on the outside of the nylons and frosted blond hair pulled over to one side in the back, and clipped with a huge silver barrett, does nothing for a woman in her 50's. Oh, and I'm not sure if her slip hanging out of the front of the mini skirt was a look she was intentionally going for, but she just may want to rethink that. I also learned that every 5 year old in the world apparently has no problem picking their nose during circle time. Some were discreet, covering up their face with one hand while the other one did the work. Others were just digging away. I love that at this age, they just don't care. Now I also know how germs spread so quickly in school! ick..
It was great to see my son in his new environment. Especially with everything we've been worrying about lately. I must say, he's not the furthest behind in his class, that's for sure. He is however, one of the best behaved. He didn't ask for anything without raising his hand, this wasn't surprising to me, he's been making my husband and I raise our hands at home for quite some time. I could see where his teacher wonders about him though.. he's very quiet. He's a spitting image of what his dad used to be like in school. I was proud of how well behaved he was, and not worried at all. We've been waiting to get a progress report from his title 1 teacher, and today we received it. It simply stated that he was a pleasure to have in class. No shit. We were hoping for something a bit more specific, like he's really smart, and he's coming along great. We'll have to investigate that some more I guess.
I feel as though lately I've been on a rollercoaster with my son. Worrying, not worrying.. it's been frustrating. But I think he's in the right hands. His teacher may dress like some sort of 80's glam girl, but she was really good with the kids. Most of them listened really well, and she has a very structured and fun classroom. It's not easy entertaining 17 five year olds for 6 hours! I think my son's going to thrive there.. I'm looking forward to going back.. but I'm going to have a long talk with my son about the nose picking! In his defense, he was the only one who raised his hand, and asked for a tissue!! Good boy!!
It was great to see my son in his new environment. Especially with everything we've been worrying about lately. I must say, he's not the furthest behind in his class, that's for sure. He is however, one of the best behaved. He didn't ask for anything without raising his hand, this wasn't surprising to me, he's been making my husband and I raise our hands at home for quite some time. I could see where his teacher wonders about him though.. he's very quiet. He's a spitting image of what his dad used to be like in school. I was proud of how well behaved he was, and not worried at all. We've been waiting to get a progress report from his title 1 teacher, and today we received it. It simply stated that he was a pleasure to have in class. No shit. We were hoping for something a bit more specific, like he's really smart, and he's coming along great. We'll have to investigate that some more I guess.
I feel as though lately I've been on a rollercoaster with my son. Worrying, not worrying.. it's been frustrating. But I think he's in the right hands. His teacher may dress like some sort of 80's glam girl, but she was really good with the kids. Most of them listened really well, and she has a very structured and fun classroom. It's not easy entertaining 17 five year olds for 6 hours! I think my son's going to thrive there.. I'm looking forward to going back.. but I'm going to have a long talk with my son about the nose picking! In his defense, he was the only one who raised his hand, and asked for a tissue!! Good boy!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Yet another blond moment..
Today was career day at my son's school. His teacher sent something home about it yesterday. The kids could dress like whoever they might want to be when they grow up. He told me that he wanted to be a teacher, so we decided last night that he would wear a tie, and a nice shirt. It would look quite teacher like (at least that's what his teacher dad wears, and he always looks so handsome!) Anyway, this morning, in the rush and caos of our house, my son asked me if he could pick out his clothes. Sure, no problem. He came down in a Buzz Lightyear sweatshirt, and some pants. I thought.. how handsome.. I didn't think "shit, it's career day, you don't want to be Buzz Lightyear when you grow up right?" Yea, that just totally escaped me. It didn't dawn on me til about 2 hours after he had caught the bus, when my younger son was watching a Barney show and there was some kid on it wearing a tie! And then I felt like crying. I don't know where my head is at sometimes. I swear, someday I'm going to just forget that I even have children who depend on me to keep my head out of my ass.. Ugh..I can't wait for the day when my kid can help me keep all of this straight!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Poor little mouse.. never knew what hit him.. The door to my shed is apparently what hit him. Weird timing.. it must have been trying to get out, and the door slammed at that precise moment. It made me think of Contagious' mouse, all snug and warm in their kitchen.. and then I was glad that this mouse was not in MY kitchen, and that however sad it might be, at least my son hasn't developed a phobia with mice.. it's hard enough dealing with all the bugs!
Monday, November 14, 2005
When the Dark is Less Scary Than Your Mother..
For some unknown reason, my 5 year old has been waking in the middle of the night and needing me by his bed side. It's gotten to the point that I've got a sleeping bag and a pillow set up next to his bed to make life a little easier.
I don't know exactly what came over me last night when I heard his whiney cry, but someone else inside of me took over. I first sat up and told him it was ok, and to go back to sleep. This only intensified the whine, and I could hear his brother start to rustle. My husband got up, and I thought he was going to take care of it. But he needed to take care of something else, and headed for the bathroom. The whining escalated, and I just lost it. This is what I remember saying "Jesus! I'm so sick of this.. It's not comfortable on the floor.. do you realize that you're making your mother sleep on the floor??"
This is when he looked at me, and simply pointed in the direction of my bed. "Oh no, we are NOT sleeping in my bed!!" I firmly stated.
And he said "No, you. You can go back to bed."
The demon inside of me, tired of sleepless nights in a sleeping bag was released, and I then felt like total shit for being so harsh to my son. I hugged him and told him that I was sorry for being so mean. He hugged me back and said it was ok, then he layed his little head down, I covered him up in his smelly bug sprayed blanket, and went back to bed. My son was more afraid of me than the dark.
It took a while to fall back to sleep. My husband had missed my outburst, but was no doubt surprised to find me in our bed when he returned from the bathroom.
I apologized again this morning and told my son how proud I was that he went back to sleep on his own, and how much better I had slept in my own bed rather than on the floor. He seemed very pleased with himself and told me that it was ok.
I'm thinking this may have solved our night time disturbances. It's not a technique I would have used under normal "awake" circumstances, nor is it one that I think will be printed in any parenting magazine, but I think I recovered from it ok, as did my son.. it's all good!!
I don't know exactly what came over me last night when I heard his whiney cry, but someone else inside of me took over. I first sat up and told him it was ok, and to go back to sleep. This only intensified the whine, and I could hear his brother start to rustle. My husband got up, and I thought he was going to take care of it. But he needed to take care of something else, and headed for the bathroom. The whining escalated, and I just lost it. This is what I remember saying "Jesus! I'm so sick of this.. It's not comfortable on the floor.. do you realize that you're making your mother sleep on the floor??"
This is when he looked at me, and simply pointed in the direction of my bed. "Oh no, we are NOT sleeping in my bed!!" I firmly stated.
And he said "No, you. You can go back to bed."
The demon inside of me, tired of sleepless nights in a sleeping bag was released, and I then felt like total shit for being so harsh to my son. I hugged him and told him that I was sorry for being so mean. He hugged me back and said it was ok, then he layed his little head down, I covered him up in his smelly bug sprayed blanket, and went back to bed. My son was more afraid of me than the dark.
It took a while to fall back to sleep. My husband had missed my outburst, but was no doubt surprised to find me in our bed when he returned from the bathroom.
I apologized again this morning and told my son how proud I was that he went back to sleep on his own, and how much better I had slept in my own bed rather than on the floor. He seemed very pleased with himself and told me that it was ok.
I'm thinking this may have solved our night time disturbances. It's not a technique I would have used under normal "awake" circumstances, nor is it one that I think will be printed in any parenting magazine, but I think I recovered from it ok, as did my son.. it's all good!!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The Parent/Teacher/Crybaby conference..
We went to our first conference with my son's kindergarten teacher. I was so excited about going, and getting to find out a bit more of what my son's been doing. I've been so curious about what he's like in school. If he was shy, or if he'd come out of his shell a bit.
She started out the meeting by commenting on how much my son looks like his dad.. and what a sweetheart he is. She then went on a bit about how he's quiet, and quite shy. He'll involve himself in the class, but rarely initiates anything on his own. This is probably due to no pre-school. Then her tones changes a bit, and this is where the crybaby part of the conference comes into play. She fears he might need some additional testing for some sort of learning disability, and suggests that it might be a good idea to see if special ed might be where he needs to spend some of his time. He's got some delays in fine motor skills (because I wouldn't let him pick up scissors til this summer for fear he would cut himself) He's also a bit behind in his speech, which we knew already and are treating. He's also got some processing issues.. he's distracted very easily and basically has a bunch of other "typical" male traits!
I tried not to cry, really I did! I've been a bit emotional this week anyway, what with Aunt Flo coming for a visit soon.. But when she started talking about "testing" and special ed.. I just couldn't hold it back anymore. She very sternly, yet sympathetically said "don't cry" And then went onto how sweet he was. I friggin know he's sweet..and you said that already.. but what I didn't know was that by his 5th year, he was going to be required to know so much! There's nothing quite like hearing that your son might need special ed to catch up, to make you feel like a total failure as a parent! Jeez, now I'm just waiting for the social workers to come over and investigate and find out what the hell has been going on in our house..too much tv.. too many computer games.. one too many happy meals.. It's ok though, I want to figure out what's going on, if anything. And get it fixed now, before kids tease.. or before he thinks that he's different..
She started out the meeting by commenting on how much my son looks like his dad.. and what a sweetheart he is. She then went on a bit about how he's quiet, and quite shy. He'll involve himself in the class, but rarely initiates anything on his own. This is probably due to no pre-school. Then her tones changes a bit, and this is where the crybaby part of the conference comes into play. She fears he might need some additional testing for some sort of learning disability, and suggests that it might be a good idea to see if special ed might be where he needs to spend some of his time. He's got some delays in fine motor skills (because I wouldn't let him pick up scissors til this summer for fear he would cut himself) He's also a bit behind in his speech, which we knew already and are treating. He's also got some processing issues.. he's distracted very easily and basically has a bunch of other "typical" male traits!
I tried not to cry, really I did! I've been a bit emotional this week anyway, what with Aunt Flo coming for a visit soon.. But when she started talking about "testing" and special ed.. I just couldn't hold it back anymore. She very sternly, yet sympathetically said "don't cry" And then went onto how sweet he was. I friggin know he's sweet..and you said that already.. but what I didn't know was that by his 5th year, he was going to be required to know so much! There's nothing quite like hearing that your son might need special ed to catch up, to make you feel like a total failure as a parent! Jeez, now I'm just waiting for the social workers to come over and investigate and find out what the hell has been going on in our house..too much tv.. too many computer games.. one too many happy meals.. It's ok though, I want to figure out what's going on, if anything. And get it fixed now, before kids tease.. or before he thinks that he's different..
Monday, November 07, 2005
Yum Yum..
In an effort to try to get my kids to eat better, I made them sit at the table tonight, and just eat! I didn't care if they thought they didn't like it, they had to try whatever I put in front of them. Which just happened to be a delicious turkey pot pie, mashed potatoes, and their favorite veggie corn- they're favorite because of how it maintains it's identity when it escapes their little bodies..gross, I know, but they're boys!
Anyway, my oldest son was pissed! He told me that it was not his choice to have what I was making. um, my point exactly, it wasn't his choice, but dammit, he was going to try the pot pie.. So, my husband I and put our heads together (which makes about 1/4 of a parenting team) and tell him that Santa (yup our old pal Santa again) is watching, and that we're pretty sure that he just crossed another gift off his list of presents. This is all it takes for him to open wide, and indulge us. He takes the bite of the pie (which is only the crust and the gravy) and starts a chewing. You would have thought by the look on his face that we had just made him eat his own shit, and not gods marvelous creation of gravy.. He chews, and he gags a little, and then he says "mmm, this is good!" Oh, the drama, and the classic facial expressions of a 5 year old! That was the only bite he would take, but I didn't care. I was just glad that he tried it.. and of course he was relieved to find out that Santa would in fact pencil that gift back in!!
Anyway, my oldest son was pissed! He told me that it was not his choice to have what I was making. um, my point exactly, it wasn't his choice, but dammit, he was going to try the pot pie.. So, my husband I and put our heads together (which makes about 1/4 of a parenting team) and tell him that Santa (yup our old pal Santa again) is watching, and that we're pretty sure that he just crossed another gift off his list of presents. This is all it takes for him to open wide, and indulge us. He takes the bite of the pie (which is only the crust and the gravy) and starts a chewing. You would have thought by the look on his face that we had just made him eat his own shit, and not gods marvelous creation of gravy.. He chews, and he gags a little, and then he says "mmm, this is good!" Oh, the drama, and the classic facial expressions of a 5 year old! That was the only bite he would take, but I didn't care. I was just glad that he tried it.. and of course he was relieved to find out that Santa would in fact pencil that gift back in!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
She deserves some props!!
One of my best friends (blogless) has been having a very hard time recently. Her father is recovering from bacterial meningitis. He's been in the hospital for 2 weeks and is leaving for a rehab facility tonight. I have to give blogless some props. She's been an amazing daughter over the past two weeks. She's spent numerous over nights at the hosptial with her dad. She's been more of a nurse to him than anyone getting paid to do so. She's taken charge of his care, and he's truly a lucky man to have such a dedicated daughter. It doesn't help that her mom's got some issues (won't go into them here, blogless knows that she needs a blog just about her mother) She's had so much to contend with. And it's not as if she's got nothing else going on, she has 2 small children who she cares for as well, and a sister with a disability. I gotta say, if anything ever happened to me, I want her by my side helping me out!
We've all been praying for her dad, he's a great guy- pretty damn funny too! We all know where blogless get's her sense of humor! He married my husband and I, as well as blogless and her husband. So, send some good thoughts her way! She could use em!
We've all been praying for her dad, he's a great guy- pretty damn funny too! We all know where blogless get's her sense of humor! He married my husband and I, as well as blogless and her husband. So, send some good thoughts her way! She could use em!
Friday, October 28, 2005
My sister and I went to my son's Halloween Parade at school this morning.. It was so cute! He was a blue power ranger.. We got the costume about a month ago, and as soon as we got the suit home, he tried it on, and I discovered that the zipper was broken. I told him that we would have to return it, and that he couldn't wear it. This of course did not go over well, since he'd been waiting "all his life" to be a power ranger.. ugh. So, ok, I tear off the tags, admit defeat, and understand that it's now going to be my responsibility to fix it. Which I did. I bought some velcro, the kind that sticks.. well, that lasted about 2 minutes. Especially after my youngest found them, and tore them off and was using them as bandaids. Anwyay, no problem, I've still got like 3 weeks to fix it.. I'm a bit of a seamstress.. somewhat crafty. I can fix this stupid costume.
Ok, here's how I fixed it at 7:15 this morning.. Duct tape! Yea, that's right. I'm not sure when I'm going to learn my lesson about procrastination and parenting, but it hasn't sunk in yet. Poor kid. I duct taped him all up the back (on the inside of the suit) and then a strip on the outside. In my defense, it did actually look like part of his costume. But he couldn't stop touching it. He was so afraid it was just going to unravel (he does not yet understand the strength and the sheer brilliant ability of duct tape.. but don't worry, he will!) During the parade, when he was walking around the halls of the school, in a single line with the rest of the kindergartners, for all the parents and upper classmates to see, there he was, holding his butt, making sure he didn't fall apart. Ahhh.. I know the feeling..
Ok, here's how I fixed it at 7:15 this morning.. Duct tape! Yea, that's right. I'm not sure when I'm going to learn my lesson about procrastination and parenting, but it hasn't sunk in yet. Poor kid. I duct taped him all up the back (on the inside of the suit) and then a strip on the outside. In my defense, it did actually look like part of his costume. But he couldn't stop touching it. He was so afraid it was just going to unravel (he does not yet understand the strength and the sheer brilliant ability of duct tape.. but don't worry, he will!) During the parade, when he was walking around the halls of the school, in a single line with the rest of the kindergartners, for all the parents and upper classmates to see, there he was, holding his butt, making sure he didn't fall apart. Ahhh.. I know the feeling..
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I totally lost my cool this afternoon in my kitchen. I was busily preparing dinner (as any good wife/mother does :) when I saw it.. A FLY! Jesus, I thought, if my kid sees that, it's going to drive him over the edge. Especially with all my talk about how bugs are dead, it's too cold, yada yada. So, with my killer instinct in check, I quickly slammed my hand down on the counter, and knew before I even hit it, that it wasn't going anywhere.. apparently, if the bugs aren't dead by this time of year, then they are pretty damn close to it. I'm thinking maybe that bug was on a suicide mission, just sitting on my counter like that! Now, this is where it gets a little gross.. bug juice was ALL over my hand, yuck, I know! I think some of it's innards may have flown across the counter into my dinner, but whatever, a little bug guts never hurt anyone, right?? Unless it's carrying EEE or something.. jesus, I hadn't even thought of that. Anyway, the point is, my son was spared another life altering moment.. and tonight he will sleep just fine in his bed lathered in bug spray!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Christmas in October..
I ordered an mp3 player for my husband for Christmas. It was delivered tonight, and signed for by him! I hate that! I should have had it delivered elsewhere, but I was thinking that since I'm home all day, that it would just come when I'm home.. damn! Instead it arrives during the only 1.5 hours of the day that I'm not home! And those guys never knock, usually it just gets dropped on our porch and I'll find it on my way in. Oh well, I called him a minute ago, and told him to just open it, and Merry Christmas.. 2 friggin months early!
Monday, October 24, 2005
My Scardey Cat..
I've mentioned before how my 5 year old is terrified of many a things. Bugs, blowing his nose, going to the bathroom by himself.. to mention a few. It's come to a point where it's effecting many aspects of his young life. I've refused to go into the bathroom to "watch him pee" so he's gotten his 2 year old brother to stand guard against anything that might want to snip off his pecker, or pinch him in the bum (we've got some paint peeling off of a light fixture and it happens to resemble a spider..good lord!) Anyway, the night time has become a bit of a nightmare for my husband and I (but mostly for me since he seems to sleep through most of my nighttime jollies) Early, and I mean very early, Saturday morning, my oldest son woke up crying because he was cold. He had gone to bed in his boxers and a tshirt. It wouldn't have been quite so chilly for him if he didn't refuse to get under the covers, but he absolutely would not put the blankets on him. He's deathly afraid that a bug might sneak in under his covers and get him. Even though I've told him that all the bugs are dead this time of year, and that a bug would have a much better chance of getting him while he's just laying out there in the open. He didn't believe me when I told him that bugs were dumb, and couldn't find their way under his blanket. Anyway, there I was at 4am dressing him in sweat pants, and socks, bundling him up good, cursing myself for not doing this before he had gone to bed. Of course his little brother is awake, and won't go back to sleep until I get him water, and then hold his hand by the side of his bed.. which I do. But my oldest son is still whining because he's still cold! And he's still refusing to get under the covers, even though I've checked and double checked for bugs. We all ended up in my 2 year olds twin bed.. all mushed together like a bunch of friggin sardines. That is until about 6 am when my youngest decides that it's time to go downstairs, and that we're done sleeping..
So, here's how I've fixed this problem. Bug spray. I soaked his bed in it, and he's now convinced that he can cover up! Thank god! Oh, and he blowed his nose this morning, and I didn't have to bribe him with anything! Now, that's progress!! :)
So, here's how I've fixed this problem. Bug spray. I soaked his bed in it, and he's now convinced that he can cover up! Thank god! Oh, and he blowed his nose this morning, and I didn't have to bribe him with anything! Now, that's progress!! :)
Friday, October 21, 2005
In an effort to get my great big butt, not so big, and maybe sort of great, I've given up coffee. I've heard that caffeine will slow down your metabolism, and the rest of your systems. It's all part of a larger plan to try and eat healthier, exercise, yada yada. But the headaches have been murder. I was never a coffee drinker, I sometimes had tea, and occasionally would get a coffee from Dunkin Donuts, as a treat. But last year, I was hosting a baby shower for a friend, a brunch, so I went out and bought a coffee maker. Since then I've been brewing it everyday, enjoying at least 3 wonderful cups... looking forward to it every morning.. setting it to brew the night before so that I could wake up to that wonderful smell.. hmm... I never realized how it was going to effect me, not having it anymore! Detoxing from coffee is not fun either with 3 kids that are 2 and under! I took plenty of advil this week!
I must say though, it's gotten much better. The sharp pain in my temple is now replaced with a dull ache.. And I've lost 3 pounds! So, yee ha! But I still miss my coffee!!!
I must say though, it's gotten much better. The sharp pain in my temple is now replaced with a dull ache.. And I've lost 3 pounds! So, yee ha! But I still miss my coffee!!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Santa.. the big fat lie
Using Santa as a stronghold with my oldest son, has proven beneficial over the years. All year long.. Santa's watching. A friend of mine told my son about the "Santa Birdy" It's a bird, that can see anything my son does, and reports back to Santa. This has also been useful, even though my son hates birds, and I think the mere thought of some bird working for Santa watching his every move may give him the he-be's, but it's still kept him on his toes.
This year, as the holiday approaches, my husband and I have been using Santa a lot! Unfortunately, this has seemed to backfire a bit. Every little thing my son does, is followed by "am I still going to get presents?" He's now become obsessed with being good, and always worrying when he's not. It's gotten to the point that I tell him if he doesn't stop asking about whether or not he's getting presents, then he won't. And that Santa really despises whining, and the constant bugging of his parents!
I guess we're only asking for trouble even telling him this huge lie about Santa anyway. I really do hate lying like that, even though it's for some great big fun thing. He's only going to be hugely disappointed (as I was) when he finds out that there is no Santa, and his parents have just been snowballing him about the whole thing. It's a rather shitty thing to do to a kid.. I'm hoping the fun of it all will out weigh the lies and deceit.. I forgave my parents afterall..
This year, as the holiday approaches, my husband and I have been using Santa a lot! Unfortunately, this has seemed to backfire a bit. Every little thing my son does, is followed by "am I still going to get presents?" He's now become obsessed with being good, and always worrying when he's not. It's gotten to the point that I tell him if he doesn't stop asking about whether or not he's getting presents, then he won't. And that Santa really despises whining, and the constant bugging of his parents!
I guess we're only asking for trouble even telling him this huge lie about Santa anyway. I really do hate lying like that, even though it's for some great big fun thing. He's only going to be hugely disappointed (as I was) when he finds out that there is no Santa, and his parents have just been snowballing him about the whole thing. It's a rather shitty thing to do to a kid.. I'm hoping the fun of it all will out weigh the lies and deceit.. I forgave my parents afterall..
100th Post!!!
I felt as though this was worth mentioning! My 100th post! 100 entries, that I have relentlessly unleashed onto my blog reading community.. In honor of this, I thought I would suggest having another blog n brew soon.. Anyone up for it?? anyone, anyone??
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Smokey Bones..
My family and I went to Smokey Bones in Portsmouth tonight. That's quite the crazy place! First, it's a very masculine restaurant. They have wood everywhere, big ole logs of wood over the bar, the entire interior is like a huge log cabin. If that's not enough for the man in you, they then have about 30 t.v.'s, and a sound box at every table, for every t.v. My boys loved that, being t.v. junkies. My husband also enjoyed this part... why wouldn't he? Every damn t.v. had sports on it. Baseball, football, racing, golf. Am I missing one?? Jeez, how about a re-run of Friends for the ladies? Or a good episode of Designed to Sell? Would it kill them to throw on something for us? I guess that would only lead to fights over the sound box, it's bad enough when us women are at home trying to get our hands on the remote, I suppose the management of Smokey Bones didn't want the men and women jumping over the tables trying to get their hands on the sound box.
The funniest part, was when an elderly couple was being seated at the table behind us, and the host tried to explain the sound box to them. They said they weren't going to watch t.v. They were romantics.. Awh.. how sweet.. and romantic, to take your wife to a wilderness sports bar! I'm sure the guy knew that he didn't need sound to see what was happening on the football game!
The funniest part, was when an elderly couple was being seated at the table behind us, and the host tried to explain the sound box to them. They said they weren't going to watch t.v. They were romantics.. Awh.. how sweet.. and romantic, to take your wife to a wilderness sports bar! I'm sure the guy knew that he didn't need sound to see what was happening on the football game!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I've recently discovered eBay. I know it's been out there for years, but I've never tried it before. I must say, I'm hooked. Well, not hooked in a bad way, I'm still in control of it. My mom and older sister have a "history" with eBay.. Something about "winning" things that just turned them on to it, until they had no more money. I'm different though (seriously) I've been doing xmas shopping on it, it's like one big yard sale to me, only the stuff is nicer. I'll be careful..
I've been doing my xmas shopping on line for years now, it's so much easier than going out.. the crowds.. the driving.. blah blah, it's really the way to go.. anyway, I'm off to check on a bid.. :)
I've been doing my xmas shopping on line for years now, it's so much easier than going out.. the crowds.. the driving.. blah blah, it's really the way to go.. anyway, I'm off to check on a bid.. :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tagged.. again :)
Contagious tagged me.. I had to look up my 23rd post, 5th line, and reflect.. It happened to be about my son, and his first day of orientation for kindergarten. It's funny now to look back at that, and to see my intrepidation, and his total ease. He just left me there, while some old lady took his hand and led him down the hallway to his class. And I stood there, feeling lost and alone, everything that I thought he would be feeling. He was as ready as I never was at his age. I remember being scared to death, and clinging to my mother's leg while my twin sister wailed at her other one. I couldn't see past my own experience and see that he may love it.
I'm so glad that he does. To complete my reflection, it seems as though my son is the same little boy he was at the first day of orientation last June, as he was on his first day back in August. He's an incredible kid, who was ready to spread his wings, and get the hell out of my nest!! ;)
I tag whoever has at least 23 posts!
I'm so glad that he does. To complete my reflection, it seems as though my son is the same little boy he was at the first day of orientation last June, as he was on his first day back in August. He's an incredible kid, who was ready to spread his wings, and get the hell out of my nest!! ;)
I tag whoever has at least 23 posts!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My nephew has had his first run in with the authorities (well, the first that I know about) One of his 4 roommates at school, was served a search warrant after the cops had been tipped off to the fact that he was selling marijuana out of their dorm room. In the middle of the search, they found beer under my nephews bed, and of course he was arrested as well. I got a letter from the judicial department at UNH (didn't even know that department existed.) He's got a court date in November, and he's meeting with one of the lawyers at the school to try and get out of the hefty fine. He thinks that because the search warrant was for his roommate, that maybe he can get off on a technicality. Hmm.. sounds a little too good to be true, but good luck with that! He's home this long holiday weekend, working! Just in case! As far as the roommate selling pot out of the room, I guess he's getting kicked out, and will most likely do some jail time (according to my nephew of course) I just hope that he can stay on track at school, and not mess up his entire future. It's hard to explain anything to a teenager, they do after all, know everything already!
Here's what a night out in Maine can cost you:
1.) Take out at a friends house $0, they graciously payed for our delicious meal..
2.) Beer at a local bar $15. This was what my husband spent when he went out with our friend, and left me and his wife at the house to do some much needed catching up.
3.) Doing 64 in a 45- $185. No shit. They are not messing around when it comes to speeding! This has been the most expensive night in quite some time! Oh, and I was NOT driving! Hah! My poor lead footed husband!
1.) Take out at a friends house $0, they graciously payed for our delicious meal..
2.) Beer at a local bar $15. This was what my husband spent when he went out with our friend, and left me and his wife at the house to do some much needed catching up.
3.) Doing 64 in a 45- $185. No shit. They are not messing around when it comes to speeding! This has been the most expensive night in quite some time! Oh, and I was NOT driving! Hah! My poor lead footed husband!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Knocked up..
Ewww.. I was already grossed out by the whole Tom-Kat thing.. but now they've taken it one step past the gross factor, and his seed has impregnated the poor girl! What the hell is that girl thinking? Did she have such a huge crush on him in the 5th grade that she's now allowing that creep to knock her up?? I was never a huge fan of hers anyway, and god knows I've always disliked that pompous ass, but now.. good lord! Is he trying to prove to the world that he is in fact a man, not just some over zealous chump.. Jumping up on Oprah's couch, telling Matt Lauer that he knows about psychiatry, that he's done his homework.. Let's not even talk about his movies. I'm sorry, I can't say that there's anything of his that I loved, maybe I liked him in Born on the Fourth of July, but that was a decade ago.. He's just so creepy!
Let's just hope that the mother of his child, god forbid, doesn't get the baby blues, or post partom depression.. we know she'll be doing yoga and reading L.Ron Hubbard to try and fix it.. jeez! I hate Tom Cruise!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I am SO happy to have the internet back at work. I don't know what happened, or why they've given it back (I have this vague feeling that it was some sort of set up, and now they're watching our every move on line.. good thing I haven't visited my favorite beastiality sights lately! hah!)
Today I did nothing but babysit.. and do some more babysitting. I haven't seen my husband for more than 20 minutes in over a week (or so it feels..) I'm treading on thin ice even mentioning his name, but what the hell.. I miss him, and blogging about him makes me feel in some weird way, closer to him. Last night it was my turn to put the kids to bed (we have to sit on the floor in between their beds til they fall asleep- yes, we're in control!) Anyway, when I came down stairs about 20 minutes later, he was passed out on the couch. I was hoping to talk maybe get a chance to talk, or at least be awake in the same room for a bit. Oh well. It'll be nice when his schedule's not so hectic.
There's a new Ikea store opening in Stoughton Mass soon. Can't wait! I'm so taking the back seats out of the loser cruiser and heading south as soon as it opens (November 9th) I'm going to have a new master bedroom to decorate soon!! Oh, my hubby's going to love that!!
Today I did nothing but babysit.. and do some more babysitting. I haven't seen my husband for more than 20 minutes in over a week (or so it feels..) I'm treading on thin ice even mentioning his name, but what the hell.. I miss him, and blogging about him makes me feel in some weird way, closer to him. Last night it was my turn to put the kids to bed (we have to sit on the floor in between their beds til they fall asleep- yes, we're in control!) Anyway, when I came down stairs about 20 minutes later, he was passed out on the couch. I was hoping to talk maybe get a chance to talk, or at least be awake in the same room for a bit. Oh well. It'll be nice when his schedule's not so hectic.
There's a new Ikea store opening in Stoughton Mass soon. Can't wait! I'm so taking the back seats out of the loser cruiser and heading south as soon as it opens (November 9th) I'm going to have a new master bedroom to decorate soon!! Oh, my hubby's going to love that!!
Monday, October 03, 2005
I have commanded respect, and damn, I think I got it! The housekeeper just left (read the previous entry before this one so as to keep it all straight) I told her what was what, and she kept thanking me for telling her about the cost of the bag, before making it. And how kind and thoughtful it was of me!
It didn't at all turn out like I thought it would, I told her that I would still give her a deal and that she could have the bag for $35.. she said she'd think about it.. whatever, I could care less if she buys it, at least I stood up for myself and said something and didn't let myself get taken advantage of! After all, self respect is priceless.. am I right people??
It didn't at all turn out like I thought it would, I told her that I would still give her a deal and that she could have the bag for $35.. she said she'd think about it.. whatever, I could care less if she buys it, at least I stood up for myself and said something and didn't let myself get taken advantage of! After all, self respect is priceless.. am I right people??
I'm at work, awaiting the arrival of the housekeeper, coming to collect her bag..that I haven't made for her.. ugh.. I'm a tad nervous.. I can hear her out there vacuuming.. I know she's coming. I've written an itemized list on a scrap of paper of what it'll cost me for the bag ($27). I initially had told her it would be $25. This was before she added on all these "extras" (snaps, hidden pockets..)
I'm hoping the note I wrote for her will bridge our language barrier, and make her see that I have no problem making her the bag, but if I only sell it for $25, then I'm screwing myself, and man are there going to be some pissed off people out there.. at me, for not having a backbone!
I'm hoping the note I wrote for her will bridge our language barrier, and make her see that I have no problem making her the bag, but if I only sell it for $25, then I'm screwing myself, and man are there going to be some pissed off people out there.. at me, for not having a backbone!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Little Brown Nuggets..
I wasn't here for this, but I thought it was blog worthy! My mom came over to watch the boys tonight while I worked. My youngest son apparently needed a new diaper. My mom was about to change him, when he did something he's never done before. He stuck his hand down his diaper, and pulled out his poo! Little brown nuggets of poo! He's been on this independent streak lately, and maybe he thought he'd take care of the poo himself, thank you! I don't know.. but that's one "first" that I was ok about missing! Let's just hope it's a last too!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Ring..ring.. "hello", "ah yes, xianfern please" "This is" "Oh, you have a mans name" (yes, I get this a lot.. it's a drawback of having a unisex name) And then I'm thinking, who the fuck is this?? It was the ho calling.. My son's kindergarten teacher.. Ok, strange way to start off a conversation, but whatever.. So, hi ho, what do you want?? She's calling me to tell me that my son is going to come home tomorrow with paperwork telling me that he's going to be put into title one. I'm not sure exactly what this means, but man, is my hubby (oops, forgot I'm not supposed to blog about him) going to freak, and think we've failed again.
I guess my son is behind in pre-reading. Pre-reading? In kindergarten.. ok. So, I'm trying to soak this all in, and understand what ho is telling me, but I'm confused. Apparently when my son is asked a question during their reading time, he looks to his peers for an answer.. hmm. sounds like a problem to me. This is the same boy, who when asked at dr. visits how he is, has to look to me first before he answers. This isn't because he's behind, but because he has a tendency to be shy, and not have a huge amount of confidence. He's only been in school for 3 weeks, and they've determined that he's behind. She told me that the people assessing him thought that phonetically he's not where he should be, and that he doesn't know the sounds of the alphabet. But he does!! He's known them since he was 3!!
I'm going to go on with it, and see how it plays out. I'm so worried that they're going to want to code him, if being in title one isn't being coded already.. I don't know. My husband is going to talk to the title one person at his school tomorrow. He took the news much better than I thought.. but I'm freaking out!
I guess my son is behind in pre-reading. Pre-reading? In kindergarten.. ok. So, I'm trying to soak this all in, and understand what ho is telling me, but I'm confused. Apparently when my son is asked a question during their reading time, he looks to his peers for an answer.. hmm. sounds like a problem to me. This is the same boy, who when asked at dr. visits how he is, has to look to me first before he answers. This isn't because he's behind, but because he has a tendency to be shy, and not have a huge amount of confidence. He's only been in school for 3 weeks, and they've determined that he's behind. She told me that the people assessing him thought that phonetically he's not where he should be, and that he doesn't know the sounds of the alphabet. But he does!! He's known them since he was 3!!
I'm going to go on with it, and see how it plays out. I'm so worried that they're going to want to code him, if being in title one isn't being coded already.. I don't know. My husband is going to talk to the title one person at his school tomorrow. He took the news much better than I thought.. but I'm freaking out!
Micromanaging at it's worst..
Last night I went into work, excited to be able to have an hour and a half to myself.. to browse the internet, check my hotmail.. maybe post an entry.. What I usually do when I'm there. However, when I logged onto my pc last night, and tried going to hotmail, I got a window that said it was an unauthorized site, and I couldn't get to it. That happened with every site I tried. I immediately asked a co-worker what the @#$% was going on, and she told me that we no longer have internet access, except for a couple of work related sites that we need in order to perform our jobs.
C'mon! It's not like these people I work with are out there checking out porn sites, or trying to pick up underage kids. We're just checking our other email accounts, maybe reading the paper on line, totally harmless stuff. Not to mention the fact that it's not at all effecting the way we perform our jobs, we're doing them just fine, it's only on down time or on breaks that we may surf the web.
I'm just wondering what they think taking this away from us is going to solve. It's certainly not good for our morale, what should we do when we're just sitting there, and the phones aren't ringing, and we've made every possible phone call we can?? And I hate to complain, but I pretty much have nothing to do now for my 1.5 hours there. I guess I could just enjoy the peace and quiet and stare blankly at my computer screen.. ugh.. oh, and since Christhadasister (my twin) has no computer at home (I know, I know.. they don't even have a microwave!) She won't be able to keep up her blog. Or do anything else on the internet. This could however, be a good thing, and force her to think about getting a computer.. I mean, we're not living in the stone ages ya know?
It's funny that we all had our reviews recently.. Mine was great, and from what hear, everyone else's was too. I don't think anyone was told they were spending too much time on the internet.. I'm hoping that whatever they've done to make the rest of the internet world inaccessible is going to be a costly headache, and that they'll decide they have some good employees who only want the option to be informed.. and maybe entertained every so often! Right??
C'mon! It's not like these people I work with are out there checking out porn sites, or trying to pick up underage kids. We're just checking our other email accounts, maybe reading the paper on line, totally harmless stuff. Not to mention the fact that it's not at all effecting the way we perform our jobs, we're doing them just fine, it's only on down time or on breaks that we may surf the web.
I'm just wondering what they think taking this away from us is going to solve. It's certainly not good for our morale, what should we do when we're just sitting there, and the phones aren't ringing, and we've made every possible phone call we can?? And I hate to complain, but I pretty much have nothing to do now for my 1.5 hours there. I guess I could just enjoy the peace and quiet and stare blankly at my computer screen.. ugh.. oh, and since Christhadasister (my twin) has no computer at home (I know, I know.. they don't even have a microwave!) She won't be able to keep up her blog. Or do anything else on the internet. This could however, be a good thing, and force her to think about getting a computer.. I mean, we're not living in the stone ages ya know?
It's funny that we all had our reviews recently.. Mine was great, and from what hear, everyone else's was too. I don't think anyone was told they were spending too much time on the internet.. I'm hoping that whatever they've done to make the rest of the internet world inaccessible is going to be a costly headache, and that they'll decide they have some good employees who only want the option to be informed.. and maybe entertained every so often! Right??
Monday, September 26, 2005
This past weekend, my kids and I went to Walmart- I was making up for missing my son's first field trip by taking him to get his Halloween Costume (which, by the way, he's been wearing since he got it!) Anyway, we were in some random aisle when I saw an elderly woman, with the biggest growth on her face (in her mouth actually) that I've ever seen. It was protruding from her lips, it was black, and quite frankly, it looked just gross. So, I hurried out the aisle afraid of what my 5 year old might say..
Later, we get to the checkout. Of course it's rather packed, being a Saturday and all. So we find a checkout that's only got one other person in it, and are followed by another shopper ready to check out. Well, who is the person ahead of us in line? Yup, the growth on her gums lady. Of course she sees my oldest son's costume, looks right at him and says "What are you going to be for Halloween" And as these words are slipping past this tumorous thing in her mouth, I look at my son, who is just starring at her with his mouth hanging open. He didn't hear a word she said, and all he could do was say "what's that in her mouth mom? Is that her teeth?" Of course I was horrified, and had to look away.. the poor lady looked away as well, and I told him to shush.. What could I do?? Then of course he wouldn't let it go.. Mr. no attention span has finally decided that he's not going to let up til he gets an answer.. I finally convinced him to stop asking, and changed the subject.
The fact was, I didn't know what it was, and what was I going to do? Ask her? "Excuse me, my son wants to know what's up with that thing in your mouth" The great thing about children is that they're so honest, and so innocent. It's unfortunate that that honesty, and pure curiosity can also be so mortifying..
Later, we get to the checkout. Of course it's rather packed, being a Saturday and all. So we find a checkout that's only got one other person in it, and are followed by another shopper ready to check out. Well, who is the person ahead of us in line? Yup, the growth on her gums lady. Of course she sees my oldest son's costume, looks right at him and says "What are you going to be for Halloween" And as these words are slipping past this tumorous thing in her mouth, I look at my son, who is just starring at her with his mouth hanging open. He didn't hear a word she said, and all he could do was say "what's that in her mouth mom? Is that her teeth?" Of course I was horrified, and had to look away.. the poor lady looked away as well, and I told him to shush.. What could I do?? Then of course he wouldn't let it go.. Mr. no attention span has finally decided that he's not going to let up til he gets an answer.. I finally convinced him to stop asking, and changed the subject.
The fact was, I didn't know what it was, and what was I going to do? Ask her? "Excuse me, my son wants to know what's up with that thing in your mouth" The great thing about children is that they're so honest, and so innocent. It's unfortunate that that honesty, and pure curiosity can also be so mortifying..
Hindsight is blinding..
Last night I went to Kittens. It's a gentleman's club in Salisbury.. It was ladies night.. yea! They had the Men in Motion there.. ooh-la-la.. Ok, before you all start thinking that I was actually there to look at these well waxed manicured/pedicured men, let me finish.. I was coaxed by a friend of mine to sell my purses there. I had to spend $50 for a table, set up 2 hours before the stupid thing started. And hang out in a bar at a strip club. I don't know why I didn't think this was a good idea in the first place (hindsight is always so clear!) But my friend thought for sure that I'd sell a ton of bags, and it would all be worth my while. Oh, and my friend was going to be there with me, so we could laugh at all the people! Except, that my friend ended up blowing me off, leaving me to fend for myself. I only sold one bag, for $25. So, basically I ended up paying to hang out in some seedy bar, with a bunch of horny middle aged women.
There were other vendor's there, one selling jewelry, and two tables selling sex toys and lingerie. I was the first table they saw when they entered the room, and everyone commented on how cute my bags were.. "oh, are these handmade??" yup. And then, like a mirage in the desert, they see the table behind me, and they're gone! I guess it could have been a success for me if I were selling dildo's and edible underwear. Apparently, women who go to strip clubs, are more likely to buy shit like that, then a cute handbag! Hmm.. go figure!!
So, here's what I learned...strip clubs are gross- even on ladies night, the women there are more likely to buy a vibrator than a hand bag, and last but not least, I've got a great product, but women who go somewhere to put singles in a guys g-string, aren't buying it!
There were other vendor's there, one selling jewelry, and two tables selling sex toys and lingerie. I was the first table they saw when they entered the room, and everyone commented on how cute my bags were.. "oh, are these handmade??" yup. And then, like a mirage in the desert, they see the table behind me, and they're gone! I guess it could have been a success for me if I were selling dildo's and edible underwear. Apparently, women who go to strip clubs, are more likely to buy shit like that, then a cute handbag! Hmm.. go figure!!
So, here's what I learned...strip clubs are gross- even on ladies night, the women there are more likely to buy a vibrator than a hand bag, and last but not least, I've got a great product, but women who go somewhere to put singles in a guys g-string, aren't buying it!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
This is my last entry that will ever involve, discuss or mention my husband. He's asked that I not "blog" about him. And I respect that, however, I did tell him I would have to post this.. since it's going to look strange not to ever mention this rather important, huge part of my life ever again.
Last night, he asked me what I would say if he wanted to read my blog. I knew right then, that he already did. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't recently posted a not so nice one about him. Although when I wrote it I was feeling a bit burned by him, and upset. I guess I really didn't think of how it would make him feel if he had read it, but he's been so against reading it, I never thought that he would. But.. in my defense, I don't think my husband is unattractive without his goatee. In fact I can honestly say that my husband is more attractive to me today than he was the first day we met. It was just seeing him without it, and how much different it made his features look. I wondered in my somewhat jealous state, if the object of his lust would notice too.
So, Bob was right.. I shouldn't have counted on him not reading it forever..
Last night, he asked me what I would say if he wanted to read my blog. I knew right then, that he already did. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't recently posted a not so nice one about him. Although when I wrote it I was feeling a bit burned by him, and upset. I guess I really didn't think of how it would make him feel if he had read it, but he's been so against reading it, I never thought that he would. But.. in my defense, I don't think my husband is unattractive without his goatee. In fact I can honestly say that my husband is more attractive to me today than he was the first day we met. It was just seeing him without it, and how much different it made his features look. I wondered in my somewhat jealous state, if the object of his lust would notice too.
So, Bob was right.. I shouldn't have counted on him not reading it forever..
Friday, September 23, 2005
Last night was Open House for the parents at my sons school. I'm happy to report that his teacher, although still wearing a dress that was far too tight, and heels that were far too high, she at least wasn't wearing a mini skirt.
It was informative, yet boring at the same time. His teacher seems very nice, and I loved her philosophy on teaching, which is to make it as fun as possible for the kids, and kind of trick them into learning.. by making it fun.
The kids had each done a self portrait and hung it on the wall. It was the parents job to try and guess which one belonged to our child. I guessed correctly the first time (what a good mom!! haha) My husband picked out the worst drawing (the one that was drawn in one color and looked like a pig) and thought that belonged to us. He left open house feeling (again) that we'd failed as parents. I wish he could see that just because the kid can't draw a perfect circle, or write his name as well as some of the other kids, doesn't mean he's going to be behind. We have a meeting in November to go over how he's adjusting to life at school. That's going to be where he shines.. I hope that'll give my husband some faith that our son is not behind, and that he's right where he should be!
It was informative, yet boring at the same time. His teacher seems very nice, and I loved her philosophy on teaching, which is to make it as fun as possible for the kids, and kind of trick them into learning.. by making it fun.
The kids had each done a self portrait and hung it on the wall. It was the parents job to try and guess which one belonged to our child. I guessed correctly the first time (what a good mom!! haha) My husband picked out the worst drawing (the one that was drawn in one color and looked like a pig) and thought that belonged to us. He left open house feeling (again) that we'd failed as parents. I wish he could see that just because the kid can't draw a perfect circle, or write his name as well as some of the other kids, doesn't mean he's going to be behind. We have a meeting in November to go over how he's adjusting to life at school. That's going to be where he shines.. I hope that'll give my husband some faith that our son is not behind, and that he's right where he should be!
My Little Gutter Mouth

My youngest son turned 2 in May.. therefore, his language is not quite understandable, yet. However, sometimes he says things so clear, that it amazes me, and sometimes shocks me.
He's able to say, "I love you" my favorite of course, "stop" although it sounds like dop. And "don't hit me" which he says all the time, especially when I check his diaper or try to change his clothes.. that's going to be fun when we're out in public!
Yesterday, in one of his tirades, I think I must have been telling him to put his light saber down, and stop hitting his brother. He walked over to me in a very serious way, pointed at me and said "You're a bit" hmm.. I seriously have no idea where he would have learned such a thing. It's not something that anyone gets called around here, and thankfully his abilities to articulate his sounds are such that he couldn't pronounce the "ch" at the end of that awful word.. But regardless, all I could do was laugh, and try not to let him see me doing it. What am I going to do with that boy??
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Yesterday my son had his very first field trip to Applecrest. I got the note a couple of weeks ago, and saw a rather modest list of parent chaperones. It was a crazy day for me, with 3 kids.. and there was just no way I could chaperone. He was fine with it, despite what my mom kept saying. She asked if she could go.. which I said no to. I would like to accompany him for the first time, even if it's not going to be the first trip for him. I mean come on.. I'm the mom here, right??
So, he had a great time yesterday, and brought home a bunch of apples (which he refuses to eat..) Last night, however, right before bedtime, he starts sobbing uncontrollably. When I asked him what was wrong, he asks me in this quivering voice, why I didn't go on the field trip with him. It broke my heart.. I told him that I couldn't have brought all the babies with me, to which he responded that I could have because I had a car seat for everyone. ugh.. more heart break.. I asked him if everyone else had a parent there, and he said yes.. I'm not sure if that's a hundred percent true.. I'm not sure if he just wasn't over tired, started thinking about his day without me there.. I'm not sure. The only thing I was sure of is that I felt like a total ass! Who misses their kids first field trip? And why didn't I give it more thought, and try to rearrange my schedule?? Am I so against anything my mother says to me, that I was just doing it to prove her wrong.. that he'd be ok without me going?? Ugh!
I've promised him that I'll be there for the next field trip, no matter what. I hate making promises like that.. not that I'm afraid that I'll break them, but because a promise to your kid like that is always an attempt at making up for something.. something I thought was reserved for kids of divorce.. but I guess it's reserved for domestic goddesses too.. I'm such an idiot!
So, he had a great time yesterday, and brought home a bunch of apples (which he refuses to eat..) Last night, however, right before bedtime, he starts sobbing uncontrollably. When I asked him what was wrong, he asks me in this quivering voice, why I didn't go on the field trip with him. It broke my heart.. I told him that I couldn't have brought all the babies with me, to which he responded that I could have because I had a car seat for everyone. ugh.. more heart break.. I asked him if everyone else had a parent there, and he said yes.. I'm not sure if that's a hundred percent true.. I'm not sure if he just wasn't over tired, started thinking about his day without me there.. I'm not sure. The only thing I was sure of is that I felt like a total ass! Who misses their kids first field trip? And why didn't I give it more thought, and try to rearrange my schedule?? Am I so against anything my mother says to me, that I was just doing it to prove her wrong.. that he'd be ok without me going?? Ugh!
I've promised him that I'll be there for the next field trip, no matter what. I hate making promises like that.. not that I'm afraid that I'll break them, but because a promise to your kid like that is always an attempt at making up for something.. something I thought was reserved for kids of divorce.. but I guess it's reserved for domestic goddesses too.. I'm such an idiot!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
As serious as a heart attack
When my brother was 6, he got run over by a car. He was fine. When he was 14, a tree fell on him. He was also fine. When he was 17 he broke his neck in a car accident. Again, he was fine. When he was 33 he tried offing himself.. no luck, and he was fine. Yesterday he had a heart attack (he's 38 now) Yes, he's fine.
He needs to change some things about his lifestyle.. e.g. the 2 pack a day cigarette habit, the endless booze, and the numerous drugs. We never thought he would live as long as he has.. he's defied all odds, and the poor schmuck is still with us!
I'm sorry for the lack of compassion here.. I try.. but when you have a brother like mine, it's never surprising, or shocking.. merely another chapter in his rather pathetic life. I have no love for him, except for the whole yea he's my brother thing. But unlike how I feel about my mom, where I can say anything I want about her, but nobody else better had.. You can say all you want about him. And please feel free.. He's probably the biggest loser I know, in fact he definitely is. The only good thing he's ever done is to know that he could never be father to the 8 or 9 children he's brought into this world. I'll give him some credit for that. But that's it!
So, as he recovers in his hospital bed, wondering if anyone cares that he's there, I hope he knows I could care less! I know.. I know.. that's very harsh. However, I say that with no regret, and with much reason. Sometimes the world would be a better place without certain people in it!
He needs to change some things about his lifestyle.. e.g. the 2 pack a day cigarette habit, the endless booze, and the numerous drugs. We never thought he would live as long as he has.. he's defied all odds, and the poor schmuck is still with us!
I'm sorry for the lack of compassion here.. I try.. but when you have a brother like mine, it's never surprising, or shocking.. merely another chapter in his rather pathetic life. I have no love for him, except for the whole yea he's my brother thing. But unlike how I feel about my mom, where I can say anything I want about her, but nobody else better had.. You can say all you want about him. And please feel free.. He's probably the biggest loser I know, in fact he definitely is. The only good thing he's ever done is to know that he could never be father to the 8 or 9 children he's brought into this world. I'll give him some credit for that. But that's it!
So, as he recovers in his hospital bed, wondering if anyone cares that he's there, I hope he knows I could care less! I know.. I know.. that's very harsh. However, I say that with no regret, and with much reason. Sometimes the world would be a better place without certain people in it!
Monday, September 19, 2005
This weekend my family and I were at the grocery store, when we ran into a co-worker of my husbands.. This cute little blonde thing, whose face became redder and redder during our first conversation.. hmm.. So, later in the store, I can see my husband over by the frozen foods, grinning.. I swear, he's got a bit of a crush on this woman. She's a first grade teacher, and she's 21. Now, anyone that knows my husband knows that he would never cheat, for the simple fact that no one is going to try to crack that shell. And I just think he's got too much character (I know, setting myself up for a devastating surprise.. right?? NO!!) Anyway, I do completely trust him, but I'm not stupid enough to think that he's not going to look at other women and think "hmm..she's a cutie" So, whatever. I'm not worried. I was however, annoyed because from that point on, he was kissing my ass.. which he never does. But he suggested having a barbecue, maybe getting a movie.. all these things that I like to do, and he never does. So, I'm thinking, he's feeling guilty for something.. but not for anything more than just fantasies.. (He'd soooo kill me for writing this! Good thing he refuses to read my blog!) I think what really ticked me off, is that he was so obvious, but wouldn't fess to anything.. I'm not an idiot, and I've known him for 14 years.. I can tell when his brain has moved south.. below his belt!
The funny thing (funny to me anyway) is that over the weekend, we went to see his parents, and they told him that he should shave his goatee.. I love his goatee, and he said he did too. Well, this morning, he came downstairs, and it was no more! He had this fresh clean face, that looked so different to me.. you know? When you've been looking at facial hair, then it's gone. Their face looks so different. My first thought, was he did it because I said I liked it, and his parents didn't.. They won. Then I thought, fine, go to school, and show that 21 year old that you have a big nose and no lips!! Hah!
The funny thing (funny to me anyway) is that over the weekend, we went to see his parents, and they told him that he should shave his goatee.. I love his goatee, and he said he did too. Well, this morning, he came downstairs, and it was no more! He had this fresh clean face, that looked so different to me.. you know? When you've been looking at facial hair, then it's gone. Their face looks so different. My first thought, was he did it because I said I liked it, and his parents didn't.. They won. Then I thought, fine, go to school, and show that 21 year old that you have a big nose and no lips!! Hah!
I can barely recognize my son's voice these days. He's got some serious snot up his nose, and he refuses to blow it. This is my oldest son.. yes, my youngest has no problem blowing his nose, in fact today in the car he decided just to blow it.. as I'm driving, with nothing to catch whatever may come on out. He just blew. Of course this was upsetting to him, considering he then had boogers all over his face, and all I had was a wet wipe.
My oldest son on the other hand, has a meltdown if we even mention blowing his nose. It's like he's suffered some sort of trauma, and can't even think about it. It's ridiculous. Sometimes during his outbursts, his nose just runs, and the problem is pretty much solved. The last time we made him blow his nose, we had to bribe him with a toy. Of course, the next time we told him to blow it, he asked us what we were getting him. Hah! right!
So, I can't think of any way to get him to just do it. I mean, it's just blowing his nose! I try to be sympathetic to all of his neurotic tendencies.. the fear of bugs, animals, and anything else that may drive him over the edge.. But this one, I just don't get..
My oldest son on the other hand, has a meltdown if we even mention blowing his nose. It's like he's suffered some sort of trauma, and can't even think about it. It's ridiculous. Sometimes during his outbursts, his nose just runs, and the problem is pretty much solved. The last time we made him blow his nose, we had to bribe him with a toy. Of course, the next time we told him to blow it, he asked us what we were getting him. Hah! right!
So, I can't think of any way to get him to just do it. I mean, it's just blowing his nose! I try to be sympathetic to all of his neurotic tendencies.. the fear of bugs, animals, and anything else that may drive him over the edge.. But this one, I just don't get..
Friday, September 16, 2005
Revenge is Sweet..

Yes folks, this is where Contagious sleeps.. although I'm not sure how well she'll be doing that tonight! The cat with the glowing eyes will no doubt protect her from those nasty snakes!
So here you go Contagious.. my payback.. it wasn't easy taking my niece in her carseat, and my youngest up those narrow stairs.. but I'll do anything for a friend! ;)
Oh, and sleep tight..
Now, that wasn't too scary was it??
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I've mentioned before the housekeeper at work. I love her dearly, she's quite sweet, but I've also discovered, she's very cheap. She commented on a bag I had made, and when I told her that I was selling them, she was interested in seeing some more. She didn't like the fabric of the bags I showed her, and she wanted one to match her shoes.. um, ok.
So tonight I dragged in every piece of fabric I own (since she didn't want to just bring me a shoe) in a huge (and quite heavy) garbage bag. It was pouring when I left for work, otherwise I may have chosen just to carry them in my already made bags, instead of looking like I was bringing trash to work.. whatever..
So, we start discussing price, I'm charging her $25, for one of my "medium" size bags. In my opinion, a good deal, K? So, she starts telling me what she wants in her bag.. she wants 4 magnetic snaps (they cost anywhere between 2 and 4 bucks- depending on where you buy them) A secret compartment in the bottom of the bag where she can hide her money. Cause no one that steals her purse is going to find that! A bambo handle, that's another $5. And she picks out some silk fabric that I've got in my stash that cost me $10 a yard. Ok, let's do the math here.. It's going to cost me about $27 in materials alone! I am basically bending over and letting her have her way! I know this is more my fault than hers, since my backbone seems to have escaped me. But the worse part of this is that she actually said that I have to be careful not to over charge people! I'm guessing she thinks thats what's happening to her. It's funny that her English can be so poor, yet when it came to the nitty gritty, she had no problem speaking her mind.. I wish I did!!
So tonight I dragged in every piece of fabric I own (since she didn't want to just bring me a shoe) in a huge (and quite heavy) garbage bag. It was pouring when I left for work, otherwise I may have chosen just to carry them in my already made bags, instead of looking like I was bringing trash to work.. whatever..
So, we start discussing price, I'm charging her $25, for one of my "medium" size bags. In my opinion, a good deal, K? So, she starts telling me what she wants in her bag.. she wants 4 magnetic snaps (they cost anywhere between 2 and 4 bucks- depending on where you buy them) A secret compartment in the bottom of the bag where she can hide her money. Cause no one that steals her purse is going to find that! A bambo handle, that's another $5. And she picks out some silk fabric that I've got in my stash that cost me $10 a yard. Ok, let's do the math here.. It's going to cost me about $27 in materials alone! I am basically bending over and letting her have her way! I know this is more my fault than hers, since my backbone seems to have escaped me. But the worse part of this is that she actually said that I have to be careful not to over charge people! I'm guessing she thinks thats what's happening to her. It's funny that her English can be so poor, yet when it came to the nitty gritty, she had no problem speaking her mind.. I wish I did!!
That Guy...

My youngest has discovered how to listen to our answering machine on a remote playback. He has completely become obsessed with the voice recorder. The guy who says "Sunday, 12:05 pm" He wants to talk to him all the time. So he's always saying "that guy", which means he wants to listen to his voice. And when he's on the phone with "that guy" he says "hi guy" which actually sounds like "hi eye" It's very cute... he's got some redeeming qualities! :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Blog and Brewed.. I mean Screwed..
I'm finally recovering from a night of drinking at the blog n brew.. It was a lot of fun, and I must say everyone there was great. Even if Contagious thinks we're a bunch of dorks (which I guess we kind of are!!) Yesterday was a nightmare, long day with 3 children, who didn't understand that "mommy was hungover" And of course I got no sympathy from my husband.. So, I was basically screwed all day.
I found out that You Who is a neighbor, in fact I saw him on my way to my mailbox (with 2 of the 3 kids in tow). I had a great conversation with Mrs. Rants- she's fabulous and really should have her own blog. Seacoast Perspective was hysterical! Of course Kreblog told the funniest story ever about a fox.. which I can't believe I'd never heard (or never retained in case I did hear.. It happened back in '97 and I'm not relying on my brain to remember anything from the '90's) Lnotes checked out my bags, that I just happened to have with me.. And I got to meet 4kidsmomanddad, who had to bail to help out his daughter..very sweet!
I did a lot of whispering- about my plan to get my revenge on Contagious.. it's going to be good!
I'm looking forward to doing it again.. maybe next time we could do it on a weekend.. hmm..
I found out that You Who is a neighbor, in fact I saw him on my way to my mailbox (with 2 of the 3 kids in tow). I had a great conversation with Mrs. Rants- she's fabulous and really should have her own blog. Seacoast Perspective was hysterical! Of course Kreblog told the funniest story ever about a fox.. which I can't believe I'd never heard (or never retained in case I did hear.. It happened back in '97 and I'm not relying on my brain to remember anything from the '90's) Lnotes checked out my bags, that I just happened to have with me.. And I got to meet 4kidsmomanddad, who had to bail to help out his daughter..very sweet!
I did a lot of whispering- about my plan to get my revenge on Contagious.. it's going to be good!
I'm looking forward to doing it again.. maybe next time we could do it on a weekend.. hmm..
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
My son missed his first day of kindergarten yesterday, and has brought home the first of what I'm assuming will be many colds.. Our decision to keep him home didn't phase him, he was happy to get to spend a day pampered by his mom, and to hang out in front of the t.v.
I'm hoping that he doesn't pass this along to his little brother.. he's already a nightmare, and if you add a cold to it.. you can only imagine! As I type, he's screaming at me to get him some water.. which I've done twice already- in 2 different cups. Apparently he wants a new cup.. I can't wait til this one is in school.. I hate to say that about my own child.. but man, he's a handful! I'm guessing that we're going to have more than one parent-teacher conference in regards to his behavior.. but maybe he'll grow out of this stage, and turn into the sweet child that he is when he's sleeping.. hah!
I'm hoping that he doesn't pass this along to his little brother.. he's already a nightmare, and if you add a cold to it.. you can only imagine! As I type, he's screaming at me to get him some water.. which I've done twice already- in 2 different cups. Apparently he wants a new cup.. I can't wait til this one is in school.. I hate to say that about my own child.. but man, he's a handful! I'm guessing that we're going to have more than one parent-teacher conference in regards to his behavior.. but maybe he'll grow out of this stage, and turn into the sweet child that he is when he's sleeping.. hah!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Honey Bee'd
How do you make a kid more terrified of bugs than he already is? How about asking him to turn off the outside faucet behind a bunch of bushes, and wake up some very pissed off hornet.. that in turn stings him right in his cheek. All the while he's flailing his arms, and stomping his feet, not knowing the cause of the pain on his face, and not knowing how to get rid of it.
He doesn't bat it away, he just flails and screams! Awh, my poor honey bee!! He's now refusing to go outside, EVER AGAIN!
He doesn't bat it away, he just flails and screams! Awh, my poor honey bee!! He's now refusing to go outside, EVER AGAIN!
I was at the mall the other day (yuck) and I entered to win a Lexus.. why not?? My nephew that was with me encouraged me to do so, otherwise I wouldn't have.. I never win anything.
Last night, I got a phone call.. from the marketing people who do the drawing. Apparently my ticket was drawn, in the preliminary drawing. How exciting.. whatever. So, the guy is "verifying" my information-name address etc. Then he comes to our income, and rants off a bunch of different brackets and asks which one we fall into. So I tell him. He says "Are you sure?" Yup.. Not thinking anything of it. I then ask him how many preliminary tickets are drawn to go onto the "big drawing" and he goes on to tell me that I don't qualify because I'm too low on the income bracket. What?? I guess we don't make enough to qualify for a free car! How f'd up is that??
Last night, I got a phone call.. from the marketing people who do the drawing. Apparently my ticket was drawn, in the preliminary drawing. How exciting.. whatever. So, the guy is "verifying" my information-name address etc. Then he comes to our income, and rants off a bunch of different brackets and asks which one we fall into. So I tell him. He says "Are you sure?" Yup.. Not thinking anything of it. I then ask him how many preliminary tickets are drawn to go onto the "big drawing" and he goes on to tell me that I don't qualify because I'm too low on the income bracket. What?? I guess we don't make enough to qualify for a free car! How f'd up is that??
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Here's an addendum to Shut that Hog Up.. Not only are motorcycles annoying in the way they always seem to wake my sleeping kids up, but they also scare the piss out of babies. I was just outside with my youngest, and my 15 month old niece enjoying the beautiful sunshine.. when a ridiculously loud pair of bikes came roaring down the road. This put my niece in a panic. She was only 10 feet away from me, but she wobbled over to me as fast as her little sausage legs could take her, looking absolutely horrified the whole way. It was all she could to gain her composure enough to make it to my waiting arms. I don't get it.. why are they allowed to pollute our air like that with that awful noise??
Are you happy now?
A recent post by Contagious and how her brother in law sort of proposed, made me think of my own proposal.. It was my 25th birthday, and I had been with my then boyfriend for 6 years. He knew that I was getting impatient, and wanted a ring soon. I knew he would save it for some occasion, and would never just do it on any old day.. so when the previous Christmas came and went and all he got me was a pair of doc martens, and a coat, I was on alert for every holiday that passed.. Valentines came and went.. Easter (no ring) And then my birthday in June.
He woke me up at 6:15 before he was about to go to work to give me my birthday present. I was waiting eagerly in our room.. and he came in with a huge, heavy box.. I thought this was going to be Christmas all over again, more shoes.. another coat, but inside the box, was a pile of books and another box, a smaller one! I knew this was it! I opened it, and there was this beautiful antique white gold engagement ring.. I was a flutter! Before I could react, or say anything, my then boyfriend, looked at me and calmy said "Are you happy now?" Not, "will you marry me?" Or any cliche crap like that.. Just "are you happy now?" And you know, I was! I didn't care that he'd just ruined that wonderful moment, or that this story would be retold til the day he died, and that he in fact would have to live with the regret of not making that moment more special- which he does. But I was just happy that he'd finally agreed to marry me! I was afterall, quite a catch! ;)
He woke me up at 6:15 before he was about to go to work to give me my birthday present. I was waiting eagerly in our room.. and he came in with a huge, heavy box.. I thought this was going to be Christmas all over again, more shoes.. another coat, but inside the box, was a pile of books and another box, a smaller one! I knew this was it! I opened it, and there was this beautiful antique white gold engagement ring.. I was a flutter! Before I could react, or say anything, my then boyfriend, looked at me and calmy said "Are you happy now?" Not, "will you marry me?" Or any cliche crap like that.. Just "are you happy now?" And you know, I was! I didn't care that he'd just ruined that wonderful moment, or that this story would be retold til the day he died, and that he in fact would have to live with the regret of not making that moment more special- which he does. But I was just happy that he'd finally agreed to marry me! I was afterall, quite a catch! ;)
Monday, September 05, 2005
Shameless Plug..

Well, maybe I have a bit of shame for this, but whatever.. being a stay at home mom, part time employee, and wife of a teacher, I gotta do what I can.. I've started my own little business of bag making.. Yes, this is how much like my grandmother I've become (but she was awesome, so I guess it could be worse!)
If anyone knows of where I could sell these, please let me know.. of course if anyone is interested in purchasing one.. haha.. let me know too! Oh, and if anyone knows anything about web pages, I think that might be a good place to start! Oh, and one more thing.. I am having a "bag party" at some point.. so for all you Christmas shoppers this could be a great gift for that special someone.. :) So, to all my friends/co-workers/ aquitances... you're all coming!!! I'm so lame.. I know.. I'm a sucky salesperson too.. but the bags are adorable! ;)
Carpet Flick
Yesterday I came home from an afternoon of shopping to find my mother in law had given me the new Swiffer Carpet Flick. Her and I had been talking about it the previous day, and I mentioned that I was going to get one. I was thrilled that she had gotten me one, who knows when I would have done so.. especially since I found out that they're upwards of fifty bucks! My kids were more excited than me though, they've been dragging the thing around all day, and making messes just to clean it up.
I too am loving the carpet flick. I've never been a fan of anything swiffer, I just never found them to work very well. But the "flick" is great! It's not like the Magic Eraser or anything, but if you have a carpet, with kids, it's perfect. There's nothing more annoying than having to drag out your vacuum 3 times a day to get a few crumbs by the coffee table.
I too am loving the carpet flick. I've never been a fan of anything swiffer, I just never found them to work very well. But the "flick" is great! It's not like the Magic Eraser or anything, but if you have a carpet, with kids, it's perfect. There's nothing more annoying than having to drag out your vacuum 3 times a day to get a few crumbs by the coffee table.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Here's what I'm worried about today...
I thought it would be good for me to write down a few things that I'm worried about.. today..
I'm worried that my nephew is going to drink himself home. He called this afternoon and talked to my husband. My hubby thought he was drunk.. great!
I'm worried that if he comes home, I'll have to kill him...
I'm worried that this ho that's teaching my son is going to say he's got speech problems, which I know he does, but if he starts to stutter it's only because she dresses like a skank, and he can't believe his eyes!
I'm worried that gas is going to kill our savings account, and we'll be using our electric heat all winter (we're lucky to have both.. unfortunately it might be cheaper to use the electric!)
I'm also worried that I won't know what to do with myself when my children grow up.. I'm sure other people worry about crap like that, right??
I'm worried that my nephew is going to drink himself home. He called this afternoon and talked to my husband. My hubby thought he was drunk.. great!
I'm worried that if he comes home, I'll have to kill him...
I'm worried that this ho that's teaching my son is going to say he's got speech problems, which I know he does, but if he starts to stutter it's only because she dresses like a skank, and he can't believe his eyes!
I'm worried that gas is going to kill our savings account, and we'll be using our electric heat all winter (we're lucky to have both.. unfortunately it might be cheaper to use the electric!)
I'm also worried that I won't know what to do with myself when my children grow up.. I'm sure other people worry about crap like that, right??
I'm IT!
Lnotes tagged me a couple weeks ago, and since I'm having a little down time here it goes...
1.) 10 years ago.. I was living in an apartment with my sister and my boyfriend, wondering when my boyfriend was going to propose. I had 2 crappy jobs, and lots of free time.. I remember being bored a lot though..something I haven't felt in over 5 years!
2.) 5 years ago I was just going back to work after my maternity leave.. still adjusting to life with a baby..
3.) 1 year ago I was settling into a new babysitting gig, with my niece who was 3 months old. My husband was just finishing up the work he was doing on our porch..
4.) Yesterday I brought my son to his first day of kindergarten.. Months ago, I thought I'd be a wreck, but now I'm looking forward to next week when he goes back!! Only because he's looking forward to it too, and jeesh, it's so much easier with one less child! Who knew??
5.) Today felt like a Friday..even though it's Thursday. I didn't have my niece, and my husband was home from school. I showered.. and I plan on having more than one drink tonight!
6.) I imagine I'll be a tad hungover, but I have no real plans..
7.) 5 snacks I enjoy.. cookies, candy, popcorn, crackers, oh, and grapes.. (had to have one healthy snack in there!)
8.) 5 bands that I know lyrics to.. The Beatles, David Grey, Led Zepplin, Radiohead, and of course my favorite.. The Wiggles!!
9.) 5 things I'd do with a $100,000,000... buy a really big house, in the town I live in.. buy my mom a house, my sisters, all my friends, new cars for everyone, and plenty of vacation homes. Not to mention college educations for all my nieces, nephews, friends kids etc..
10.) 5 locations I'd like to runaway to.. I honestly like where I am, but I'd runaway to these places for a little while.. Mexico, Australia, England, Africa, and Hawaii
11.) 5 bad habits I have.. well, I can't think of too many here.. haha.. how about my closet smoking.. guess I just outted myself there.. whatever.. Forgetting to put the wash in the dryer on hot humid days and it gets all smelly and I have to rewash it. yea, that's, eating too much.. retelling stories, I usually start them with "did I tell you this already?" And giving my husband grief.. at least that's what he'd say is a bad habit of mine!
12.) 5 Things I like doing.. ok, this is going to make me sound so grannyish.. but quilting, making bags, making signs, kissing my kids, and cuddling with my boys in the morning..
13.) 5 things I would never wear.. a bikini (sorry boys, but I'm doing you a favor!), daisy dukes.. ick, I think they look gross on anyone.. fur, thongs, and mini skirts..
14.) 5 shows I like.. Arrested Development, Lost, House, American Idol (no, I'm not at all ashamed!) and Scrubs.
15.) 5 movies I like.. Big Fish, The Life Aquatic, Harold and Maude, Caddy Shack, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High
16.) 5 famous people I'd like to meet.. Oprah (of course), Zach Braff (cause he's such a cutie pie!), James Dean (I know he's dead, but I had a huge thing for him in high school.. it didn't say these people had to be alive), Tom Brokaw- I just think he's a cutie too, and he seems so genuine.. and finally, I guess I'd want to meet Tom Cruise. I think he's the biggest dick going, and I'd just like the chance to tell him so!
17.) 5 biggest joys at the moment.. my kids (that counts for 2, K?) my husband, my niece, and just life in general..
18.) 5 favorite toys.. oh, that's easy, Darth Vader voice changer, Clone Trooper action figure, Anakin Skywalker phase to Darth Vader action figures, Elefun, and the Wiggles guitar.
19.) 5 people to tag.. I'm retagging, because some of these people haven't done it yet.. here goes.. christhadasister, sherbert, ezili, 4 kids mom and dad, and contagious!
1.) 10 years ago.. I was living in an apartment with my sister and my boyfriend, wondering when my boyfriend was going to propose. I had 2 crappy jobs, and lots of free time.. I remember being bored a lot though..something I haven't felt in over 5 years!
2.) 5 years ago I was just going back to work after my maternity leave.. still adjusting to life with a baby..
3.) 1 year ago I was settling into a new babysitting gig, with my niece who was 3 months old. My husband was just finishing up the work he was doing on our porch..
4.) Yesterday I brought my son to his first day of kindergarten.. Months ago, I thought I'd be a wreck, but now I'm looking forward to next week when he goes back!! Only because he's looking forward to it too, and jeesh, it's so much easier with one less child! Who knew??
5.) Today felt like a Friday..even though it's Thursday. I didn't have my niece, and my husband was home from school. I showered.. and I plan on having more than one drink tonight!
6.) I imagine I'll be a tad hungover, but I have no real plans..
7.) 5 snacks I enjoy.. cookies, candy, popcorn, crackers, oh, and grapes.. (had to have one healthy snack in there!)
8.) 5 bands that I know lyrics to.. The Beatles, David Grey, Led Zepplin, Radiohead, and of course my favorite.. The Wiggles!!
9.) 5 things I'd do with a $100,000,000... buy a really big house, in the town I live in.. buy my mom a house, my sisters, all my friends, new cars for everyone, and plenty of vacation homes. Not to mention college educations for all my nieces, nephews, friends kids etc..
10.) 5 locations I'd like to runaway to.. I honestly like where I am, but I'd runaway to these places for a little while.. Mexico, Australia, England, Africa, and Hawaii
11.) 5 bad habits I have.. well, I can't think of too many here.. haha.. how about my closet smoking.. guess I just outted myself there.. whatever.. Forgetting to put the wash in the dryer on hot humid days and it gets all smelly and I have to rewash it. yea, that's, eating too much.. retelling stories, I usually start them with "did I tell you this already?" And giving my husband grief.. at least that's what he'd say is a bad habit of mine!
12.) 5 Things I like doing.. ok, this is going to make me sound so grannyish.. but quilting, making bags, making signs, kissing my kids, and cuddling with my boys in the morning..
13.) 5 things I would never wear.. a bikini (sorry boys, but I'm doing you a favor!), daisy dukes.. ick, I think they look gross on anyone.. fur, thongs, and mini skirts..
14.) 5 shows I like.. Arrested Development, Lost, House, American Idol (no, I'm not at all ashamed!) and Scrubs.
15.) 5 movies I like.. Big Fish, The Life Aquatic, Harold and Maude, Caddy Shack, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High
16.) 5 famous people I'd like to meet.. Oprah (of course), Zach Braff (cause he's such a cutie pie!), James Dean (I know he's dead, but I had a huge thing for him in high school.. it didn't say these people had to be alive), Tom Brokaw- I just think he's a cutie too, and he seems so genuine.. and finally, I guess I'd want to meet Tom Cruise. I think he's the biggest dick going, and I'd just like the chance to tell him so!
17.) 5 biggest joys at the moment.. my kids (that counts for 2, K?) my husband, my niece, and just life in general..
18.) 5 favorite toys.. oh, that's easy, Darth Vader voice changer, Clone Trooper action figure, Anakin Skywalker phase to Darth Vader action figures, Elefun, and the Wiggles guitar.
19.) 5 people to tag.. I'm retagging, because some of these people haven't done it yet.. here goes.. christhadasister, sherbert, ezili, 4 kids mom and dad, and contagious!
Thursday, September 01, 2005

My son loves his school, and actually wants to go back! I was thrilled. I missed him today, but I must say I enjoyed the extra time with my younger son. He seemed to have this new independence, and wasn't nearly as clingy as he usually is.
The bus ride proved to be a lot of fun for him. He took a few minutes to get off the bus because he had to get his back pack on. During this waiting I realized that I knew his bus driver.. yet another person from my past! She's my ex-boyfriends sister in law. I don't think she recognized me, it's been over 15 years since I last saw her. But when I did see her last, she had a hook for a hand! I'm sure she must have some prosthetic by now, or maybe not.. maybe the hook is just fine for driving.. Hmm.
Anyway, my youngest son just about had a nervous breakdown when his brother got home. I'm guessing he thought maybe we'd gotten rid of his older brother like we did his cousin.. And how upsetting that must have been to have him return! Poor little guy!
Ho Hum...
My son's teacher was still dressed like a ho.. On the first day.. maybe she's just dressing up because it's just that, the first day, and she wants to look smashing for all of her new five year old students.. There were 2 mom's in my son's class that I went to high school with (very small, scary world we live in) And one of them commented on how her son couldn't keep his eyes off her ankle bracelet. He'd never met anyone wearing that before. She meant he'd never met a ho! Regardless of her attire, I've been hearing a lot of positive things about her. As long as she's a good teacher, than I don't care so much about what she's wearing.. I just find it odd that she'd dress so inappropriate for her age, and her profession.. Whatever.. He'll be home in a few hours. I miss him, but he was so excited about going, and could have cared less about me not being with him. And his brother is doing surprisingly well today. I thought he'd be a wreck, missing his brother, but he appears to be just fine. In fact, he's been playing like crazy with all of his brother's toys! Getting it all in while he can!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
The Open House...
Ok, so it wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be.. it was actually quite boring.. My son was happy enough to finally get to meet his teacher.. who by the way doesn't appear to be playing with a full deck. Maybe I wouldn't be either if I hung out with 17 five year olds all day.. Anyway, I'll get into my impression of her in a minute. There were only 3 other kids at the open house. I guess they do it in small groups, so that it's not as hectic for the parents and teachers.
My son could barely contain his excitement about meeting his teacher. When we were brought back to the honey bees room (yea, he's a honey bee.. too bad he hates bugs!!) there were 2 women in the room. One asked my son his name, and then didn't go on to say who she was. I finally figured it out when I saw her name tag. It was his teacher of course, but my son had no idea. She was talking to him, and his eyes were all over the room wondering where his teacher was. When she finally did say who she was, his eyes got all wide, and he told me that she was his teacher. It was cute..
She then gave him a paper that she wanted him to write his name on. It would have been a simple task had my husband not seen another kid who could write his name better than our kid. Of course this feeds right into my husbands inability to let something go, and immediately he feels like he's failed his son..however, the first thing you learn when you have children, is NOT to compare them to everyone else. So, while the other children were starting their scavenger hunt around the room, my son was reluctantly writing his name- again.. I can understand not wanting your kid to be behind, but he wasn't the only one who's name was barely legible. And it's kindergarten, the friggin open house.. not his SAT's! jeez..
Anyway, let's move on from one fruit loop to another.. his teacher!! Where should I start.. um, ok, how about when she asked me twice in matter of 2 minutes about my son's bus schedule, and whether he'd be going straight home or not.. I have very little patience for shit like this, when I feel like I'm not being listened to.. ask my husband!! haha..Anyway, I could talk about her dress.. skin tight, and high heels, lots of jewelry..I'm the last person who would judge people on what they wear.. but what the hell?? This is kindergarten right?? And she's 50! I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt though since it was open house.. I'm sure she won't dress like that everyday.. I certainly hope not, it just doesn't seem practical.. finger painting, and block building in heels..
Anyway, it was more than that, she just had this very flighty way about her. My husband I both commented on it later. Of course my son goes "who's loopy?" Little ears here so much! They took the kids on a short bus ride and went over bus safety. My son sat down with his teacher.. kiss ass!! It was so funny!
Thursday is the big day though. He'll be riding the bus, and will be gone most of the day. I'm excited for him, I think he's going to have a lot of fun. As my sister pointed out, it's the end of something very special between him and I.. all that time together.. being the center of his world.. He's moving onto making friends, having another lady important in his life (even though she dresses like a ho!) I just hope that he'll always want to go back.. I'm not opposed to home schooling if he hates it!!
My son could barely contain his excitement about meeting his teacher. When we were brought back to the honey bees room (yea, he's a honey bee.. too bad he hates bugs!!) there were 2 women in the room. One asked my son his name, and then didn't go on to say who she was. I finally figured it out when I saw her name tag. It was his teacher of course, but my son had no idea. She was talking to him, and his eyes were all over the room wondering where his teacher was. When she finally did say who she was, his eyes got all wide, and he told me that she was his teacher. It was cute..
She then gave him a paper that she wanted him to write his name on. It would have been a simple task had my husband not seen another kid who could write his name better than our kid. Of course this feeds right into my husbands inability to let something go, and immediately he feels like he's failed his son..however, the first thing you learn when you have children, is NOT to compare them to everyone else. So, while the other children were starting their scavenger hunt around the room, my son was reluctantly writing his name- again.. I can understand not wanting your kid to be behind, but he wasn't the only one who's name was barely legible. And it's kindergarten, the friggin open house.. not his SAT's! jeez..
Anyway, let's move on from one fruit loop to another.. his teacher!! Where should I start.. um, ok, how about when she asked me twice in matter of 2 minutes about my son's bus schedule, and whether he'd be going straight home or not.. I have very little patience for shit like this, when I feel like I'm not being listened to.. ask my husband!! haha..Anyway, I could talk about her dress.. skin tight, and high heels, lots of jewelry..I'm the last person who would judge people on what they wear.. but what the hell?? This is kindergarten right?? And she's 50! I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt though since it was open house.. I'm sure she won't dress like that everyday.. I certainly hope not, it just doesn't seem practical.. finger painting, and block building in heels..
Anyway, it was more than that, she just had this very flighty way about her. My husband I both commented on it later. Of course my son goes "who's loopy?" Little ears here so much! They took the kids on a short bus ride and went over bus safety. My son sat down with his teacher.. kiss ass!! It was so funny!
Thursday is the big day though. He'll be riding the bus, and will be gone most of the day. I'm excited for him, I think he's going to have a lot of fun. As my sister pointed out, it's the end of something very special between him and I.. all that time together.. being the center of his world.. He's moving onto making friends, having another lady important in his life (even though she dresses like a ho!) I just hope that he'll always want to go back.. I'm not opposed to home schooling if he hates it!!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Tomorrow is open house at my son's school. Does anyone know how difficult it is to explain the concept of an open house to a 5 year old?? Well, actually the explaining on my part is rather easy, it's the comprehending on his part that we're having a hard time with. He's been telling people that we're going to his teacher's house tomorrow.. because she's opening it. Makes perfect sense to me..
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Another one ready to leave the nest..
My nephew leaving for college has sparked quite an interest in my oldest son about the entire college experience. He told me today that he'd live there..even though a week ago when we were talking about my nephew leaving, he stated quite adamantly that he didn't want to move- in fact he still wants to marry me and live here forever. So, for him to say that he would move out was a pretty big step for the little guy. He's apparently given college quite a bit of thought over the last few days. He's already decided that he wants a Star Wars alarm clock, he's going to need something to wake him up if I'm not there. But what really worries him (like the poor kid needs one more thing to worry about) Is who's going to hold his hand if he has to cross the street while he's at college. And what if he forgets our phone number and needs to call us. Or heaven forbid that he can't find a phone to use. I assured him that by the time he's in college, he'll be big enough to cross the street without having to hold my hand, and that I'd write down our phone number just in case he forgot it. Oh, and I'll get him a cell phone like mommy has so he'll never need to look for a phone.
The concept of time still eludes the little bugger.. I know he thinks he's leaving for college any day, despite my attempts at trying to explain how many birthdays he'll have before that day. I was quite proud of him though, telling me that he'd be ok, and that he could live there.. Good lord! It's sad that in about 13 years, when he's old enough to go away to school, he'll be more than ready, I hope I am!!!
The concept of time still eludes the little bugger.. I know he thinks he's leaving for college any day, despite my attempts at trying to explain how many birthdays he'll have before that day. I was quite proud of him though, telling me that he'd be ok, and that he could live there.. Good lord! It's sad that in about 13 years, when he's old enough to go away to school, he'll be more than ready, I hope I am!!!
My entire family went to see my nephew today at college. I must say I've never felt so old than I did walking the campus of UNH today. We looked like the Griswold's.. I was carrying my youngest, briefly, until he found a huge set of stairs that he thought would be fun to walk up and down.. and up and down. It would have been fine if we weren't trying to get somewhere, and it wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't throw an absolute kiniption when I insisted on picking him up so that all the new young freshman could pass us. I think I may have sent a strong message to some of those kids passing us.. BIRTH CONTROL!! Use it!
Friday, August 26, 2005
One flew the nest..

Let me first start by saying I'm going to get so drunk tonight, that I might need to puke later! My nephew is officially moved into his dorm, let the party start at my house!!!!! No, I shouldn't be so thrilled.. he really is a great kid, but there's just something about him moving away that makes me feel like I've accomplished something! I guess we did, my husband and I.. my nephew's doing something that neither of his parents did, in fact, he's already done more than they did by graduating high school, and not having 2 kids at his age. And his older sister is wrapped up in her social life, her boyfriend, and just getting by. I think we pushed him in the right direction, and I feel a bit of pride because of that. I remember how exciting, and nerve wracking starting college was.. I'm hoping this is going to be a great experience for him, and lead him to great things. I know he has the potential to be so successful, I just hope he doesn't let the past drag him down.
Bringing him to school today made me reflect about my own college experiences.. I hope he Studies more than I did.. I hope he gets a degree.. and knows that there's more to college than holder keggers at the house you're renting to make money to throw more parties.. and that just because you feel like it's "paid for", when you have a gazillion loans, you better pay them later, cause there's nothing like good credit when you grow up!
I thought about dropping off my boys someday at college.. and how we're all going through so many changes lately.. my oldest starting kindergarten this week.. taking the bus.. pooping at school.. (he still hasn't aced the wiping his own butt thing.. I just hope he holds it!) My youngest is going to be a nightmare adjusting to his brother being at school. My husband is back at school, and I miss him.. hmph, I'm even surprised by that one! But with change I guess can come great things.. like a new fall schedule for t.v. (yea!!) My husband getting a paycheck.. red
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