My youngest son turned 2 in May.. therefore, his language is not quite understandable, yet. However, sometimes he says things so clear, that it amazes me, and sometimes shocks me.
He's able to say, "I love you" my favorite of course, "stop" although it sounds like dop. And "don't hit me" which he says all the time, especially when I check his diaper or try to change his clothes.. that's going to be fun when we're out in public!
Yesterday, in one of his tirades, I think I must have been telling him to put his light saber down, and stop hitting his brother. He walked over to me in a very serious way, pointed at me and said "You're a bit" hmm.. I seriously have no idea where he would have learned such a thing. It's not something that anyone gets called around here, and thankfully his abilities to articulate his sounds are such that he couldn't pronounce the "ch" at the end of that awful word.. But regardless, all I could do was laugh, and try not to let him see me doing it. What am I going to do with that boy??
That picture says a thousand words- they're all swear words, but a thousand words none the less :p
Maybe he reads Contagious's blog?
That's so funny! Where DO they pick up these things? Love that photo---true E and so adorable!
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