I've had the same haircut now for over a decade. It's not really even a haircut, it's just long and straight. Except for this part in the back that's got a weird wave to it. I have 2 pregnancies and crazy hormones to thank for that one!
Some of my friends have been giving me a hard time about my lack of hair style, in fact, they've been telling me that I have hippie hair! I don't know what the hell I was thinking last night.. after my 4th glass of wine.. I agreed to let them cut it! I should have known that it was going to be a disaster when my friend emerged from her bathroom with a pair of scissors that wouldn't cut through a nose hair.. or maybe I should have had them stop when they kept telling me not to worry, that I could go to Supercuts in the morning and get it fixed.. Hmm..
Anyway, I've got substantially shorter hair this morning, with the exception of a few strays that they missed.. And Supercuts is closed.. it's a holiday!
funny, as i was cutting I mentioned that hair, and how this was payback time!
Never, never let anyone cut your hair when you've had a few. I speak from experience. Although going to Supercuts migth be even more dangerous.
Love your blog. I stumbled across it by accident, but as soon as I saw the title I knew it would be good. We're rasing a 3 yo and a 22 month old. Crazy.
sounds like you may have looked a little like Crystal Gayle
Oh boy!! Remind me to ask you for some big favors next time I see you after having a few pops...you will agree to ANYTHING!! Can't wait to see your new 'do :)
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