What are we so afraid of?? Contagious with her snakes, me with my feet, cd and mattresses, it's crazy! Are we crazy?? My oldest son has been afraid of bugs most of his young life. I must say he's getting better, he can now be outside amongst the bugs without totally flipping out, as long as they don't fly too close. When he was three, he would scream if he saw a spot on the ceiling, or the wall. Whether it was just a smudge, or an actual bug, he wouldn't calm down til it was gone. I spent many a times standing tippy toed on top of a chair, with a white out pen trying to cover up whatever bug he thought he was seeing.
My fear, or absolute disdain for feet came from my great grandmother. She used to pay me a quarter to cut her 95 year old feet. Which by the way, were about an inch thick. I seriously used to gag, but I always did it. I don't know why I wanted that quarter so bad, it wasn't like it was a lot of money (yea, even back then) I guess I just didn't want to say no. I think to get over my issue with feet, I've got to just suck it up, and start touching feet. Maybe that would help. My husband has got quite the nasty feet, although in his defense, everyone's feet are nasty to me (except for my kids, for some reason I could eat those right up!) Maybe I'll give him a foot massage when I get home.. god, I just got the chills thinking about it. I think I'm going to have to live with this one folks!
Everyone fears something. And look how adorable he is. Maybe you could give your hubby a foot massage as an anniversary gift---now that's LOVE.
Memere used to pay me 10 cents a toe- none of this quarter crap! Maybe that's where you get your hatred of feet- from being ripped off!
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