Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I am SO happy to have the internet back at work. I don't know what happened, or why they've given it back (I have this vague feeling that it was some sort of set up, and now they're watching our every move on line.. good thing I haven't visited my favorite beastiality sights lately! hah!)
Today I did nothing but babysit.. and do some more babysitting. I haven't seen my husband for more than 20 minutes in over a week (or so it feels..) I'm treading on thin ice even mentioning his name, but what the hell.. I miss him, and blogging about him makes me feel in some weird way, closer to him. Last night it was my turn to put the kids to bed (we have to sit on the floor in between their beds til they fall asleep- yes, we're in control!) Anyway, when I came down stairs about 20 minutes later, he was passed out on the couch. I was hoping to talk maybe get a chance to talk, or at least be awake in the same room for a bit. Oh well. It'll be nice when his schedule's not so hectic.
There's a new Ikea store opening in Stoughton Mass soon. Can't wait! I'm so taking the back seats out of the loser cruiser and heading south as soon as it opens (November 9th) I'm going to have a new master bedroom to decorate soon!! Oh, my hubby's going to love that!!


Anonymous said...

Save the front seat for me, I asked first. How did you hear this most incredible news before me?????

Ezili said...

Make sure you let me know when it opens. I'll have to make a trip down there too!! I see your car is spoken for already. :)

Ezili said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, they will be testing another software package in the near future to see if it meets their needs of blocking us from all the good stuff on the internet. Hopefully, it will prove to be too expensive or problematic to put it on the system permanently. Fingers crossed!