Wednesday, August 09, 2006

There is so much more I should be doing than sitting here blogging.. The girls are taking a quick nap, and the boys are playing with their transformers. The girls are slowly coming out of their "baby coma" This is what I call the first few days after birth where all babies just want to sleep. There's was extended a bit due to their prematurity. Anyway, they are having more awake time during the day (and night) And are wanting to sit with their mom, and latch on to my boobies.. which by the way are constantly in someone's mouth! Sorry for the graphic there..
I'm exhausted.
I'd still rather them be here than inside of me. I've healed up nicely from the c-section, and I've lost an astounding 31 lbs. since their birth. Only 12 more to go! Plus another 10 or so that I hadn't lost since the last one.. I guess nursing two babies is really burning up those calories.
I'm dying for a night out.. with my girlfriends or my husband..just a night out, and maybe some help on the following day..
Well, the dishes and the laundry are calling..


christhadasister said...

I can't believe how awake they were the other day- I've never seen their eyes so open- quite a treat for me!
We should definitely have a night out soon! I know there's a birthday coming up, though we shouldn't wait til next month- we should try and do it sooner!
Will your husband be ok alone with 4 kids for an evening??

Ezili said...

you look MAH-VEL-OUS darling!!! And I so appreciate that you bring the babies in for us to see them and hold them. It's nice to share. Thank you!! Nothing like the sweet smell of a, I'm not talking about the puke and other stuff.... :)