Monday, September 18, 2006

This and That...

I've always known that it's good to know people.. and in this particular instance, it just so happens that knowing a secretary at my son's school gives me an inside scoop to what rumors are buzzing about.
The latest rumor milling about happened to be about me and my family. My sons teacher asked the above mentioned secretary if my son's father was gay.. I guess she was under the impression that because my name is one used by both genders (but mostly by men) that my son was being raised by a gay couple. What makes this particularly ridiculous is that I've met his teacher. In fact, we've both met her, with our 4 kids in tow. But people are going to assume what they want, even if they know better.
In other happenings.. I've had it up to here (just picture my hand way over my head) with my son's transformers.. not only are they the most annoying toys to "transform" and have the most sexist show with only 1 or 2 female characters who they insult constantly by telling them they should be at the mall shopping rather than helping the men save the galaxy.. but they are also a killer under one's foot. Last night in the dark of our house, I was on my way to change one of the twins when I stepped down right onto my son's favorite transformer. This sent me flying to my knees, which now have no skin on them. Under normal cirucumstances, I would have been laughing my ass off (people falling make me crack up, even if it's me) But at 1 in the morning.. while I'm carrying an infant.. not so funny.. Anyway, the girls are napping at the moment and some laundry is waiting to be off I go!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I got your comment on my blog about EHS. Yes! I graduated in 1988. Shoot me an email: chris (at) surerantsalot (dot) com. (I’m doing that to avoid the spam bots.)

Granite said...

Transformer - more than meets the eye