I went flower picking this morning.. my favorite flower of all time is the lily of the valley.. A friend of mine has parents with a huge patch of them hidden away on the side of the road.. After visiting the mom at work, and asking if I could pick some, I drove the kids out there, parked them on the side of the road and picked a huge amount of them. I should have been there last week, as they are on their last leg, but I don't care.. they are beautiful, and smell delicious!
After dropping a bouquet off at my mother in laws (such a kiss ass..after all these years!) I came home and started making bags.. My son's teachers (all 4 of them- including the aides) are each getting one for their "end of the year, thank you for being so nice to my kid" gift. I love getting to be creative.. ahhh.. and it's beautiful out, and the girls are having a LONG nap! Damn, it's a good day!
I'm such a fruit!
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