I have felt like I'm in a bit of funk the past couple of days.. perhaps it's because I went camping this past weekend with ctale and blogless, totally free of children and husbands.. and had a fabulous time.. the weather was great, blogless cooked some really amazing food, I kicked ctales ass in uno and Yahtzee (although I think she did beat me maybe once or twice..) and we had many many cocktails and couldn't get over the fact that we were in our mid 30's.. mainly because we're still smoking hot and the guy in the campsite next to ours couldn't help but come over and try to rescue us on more than one occasion. His name was Roy, although I honestly have no idea what his family or friends call him, or what his mother named him, but to me he looked like a Roy.. ctale only glared at him while he wasn't looking, and blogless kept talking about our husbands who were "on their way to the campground.." I could have gone the weekend without hearing his story of how a bear had just been spotted at the campground, getting into someones cooler for their kielbasa.. It's always the kielbasa.. but seriously, that did put somewhat of a damper on our nightly walk, which ended up being more of a run because I was so scared. Not a trait that I am used to having.. it was weird. And no doubt annoying because our leisurely stroll ended up with me insisting that even though ctale was short, that I knew she could move faster.. and that blogless had better not start screaming if we did in fact see a bear.. I should have stayed back with Roy.. Anyway, it was fun.. really fun.. and now I'm home, and while I love being home, and my kids are the best.. I still wish that things like this happened more than once every 4 years! It had better! Ok girls?? :)
Here are the girls after I kicked their ass in Uno!

sounds like fun. i'm jealous. wish i had some peeps to go camping with. guess i'll have to pop my tent in the back yard.
And the next time you guys go, I won't be all pregnant and uncomfortable and not able to drink cocktails, because really, what is camping if you're not drinking around the campfire?? (and running from wild bears- niether of which I'm able to do at the moment!)
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