"If you chop wood today, don't do it on the deck"
This is what my husband said to me recently before he left for work one morning.. Yea, I'm going to be chopping wood! I had several issues with this request.. First of all, it was a on a day when I had my sister's kids, so 6 kids under 4.. I'm lucky if I get time for lunch, never mind wrangling an axe. Second, does he think that I am that blond, and would actually chop wood on our deck?? And finally, does he really believe that I have the upper body strength required for swinging an axe successfully?? Here's an example of what happens when I try to chop wood, because I did today while the little one was in school, and my girls were napping.. yea, I don't think I'll be trying that again any time soon!

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