And by that, I mean myself, and whoever else watches American Idol religiously (that would be my husband too) But come on people? Michael Johns?? The Aussie hottie with a decent enough voice to at least make it into the top 4 or 5.. but kicked off at 8? It's a travesty, and I might not watch ever again.. although you know I will.. I know I will, we all know I will. But now I won't get to look at that bubbly lipped, big bummed, cutie patoots anymore.. damn!! Paula and I cried in unison last night.. oh Michael..
He didn't perform well after his audition. He seems to take on the persona of a cover band singer. Don't fall in love with the lips until you experience what they can do.
Ok, first of all ballard, he performed like a rock star!! Have you been watching? Second, I did front him the money, and Mr. W is comfy in bed cuddling with his new webkin, and thirdly, I am about ready to tell him what part of his anatomy to wash, it's been a long night of listening to him clear his throat.. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am with you on this one, xianfern. I almost never watch Idol. But I saw the episode where they were singing Dolly Parton songs...wow! There was something very soulful and sexy about him. But he probably just appeals to SAHMs like us....not the preteens. You will see more of him in the future I am sure!
Mrs. Rants
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