My youngest son had his first day of orientation for Kindergarten yesterday. I remember what it was like when I took my oldest son.. I think I actually may have gotten a bit weepy, and had the shits for days just worrying about it.. My how times have changed! I was prepared for my little one to be all upset, and clingy. I was prepared to pretty much have someone have to tear him away from my leg screaming, but he shocked me, and went away with the teacher, just like my oldest son had done 3 years before him.
I was so happy for him. So impressed.. At times, he surprises me and is more grown up than I sometimes give him credit for. He does after all, act like the spawn of Satan on most days.. although he can be an incredibly loving and caring little boy. It was so nice to hear all the teaches comment on what a nice boy he was, and how well he did. I've been worried that he was going to be compared to his older brother, and I'm sure he will be (his brother is a god send to the teachers at his school, from what I'm told..don't wanna brag, but he's wonderful to have in a classroom..) It would appear that his little brother may be just like him.. sweet, attentive, and well behaved (I can't believe I'm using these words to describe my 5 year old.. seriously!) But I'm so glad that I am..
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