Friday, October 31, 2008

Screwed by Wood.. and not in a good way!

I found a guy on facebook that I went to high school with. He was advertising 2 cords of wood for $395, delivered. I got in touch with him, and told him that I wanted his wood! That is after all, a great deal. He came today with a friend, and delivered the first cord. I gave him a check, made out to his friend, and they went on their way to get the other cord. About an hour later, I got a call from him saying he thought there was a miscommunication, and that it was actually $395 for one cord. Um, yea, I guess there was a MAJOR miscommunication. I had specifically asked him over the phone if the price was for both cords, to which he replied yes. When I told him that over the phone today, he denied that, and said that he had told me it was only for one. ugh.
I told him that I didn't want the other cord, as I could not afford almost 800 bucks for two cords of wood. I paid $250 last year for a cord, and I know the prices have gone up, but really? I mean we had a conversation about it, and his ad said "2 cords, $395, delivered"
I had to make that call to my husband of course, the one where it inevitably becomes my fault, even though clearly it was not. I went back to this guy's facebook page to see the ad he had put up, but mysteriously, it had been deleted. what a douche!
I did make a couple of calls and found some wood for $350 a cord, so his price wasn't that far off. I had no idea the prices had gone up so much. But the point is, this guy totally lied to me, and I bought it. frick.


christhadasister said...

See, that's why facebook is weird- there's a reason I don't want to see those a-holes from high school- cuz they're a-holes!!!

Heidi said...

perhaps you should call the cops...or at the very least 'out' him so no one else gets screwed by his wood.

Robin said...

I knowingly paid $350 per cord for 2 cords of wood. I remember paying $140 a cord just a few years back. It was painful....but what can I say.....there's nothing like a wood fire. I hope at least that the the wood you bought was dry and that you are enjoying it.