Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'll believe it when I see it..

My realtor called me this afternoon. She got an email from the agent who brought back a couple for a second showing this past Monday. I guess we'll be getting an offer tomorrow.. I'm reluctant to get too excited, but naturally I can't help it.. I hope it's a good offer, and I hope they're going to be reasonable and will at the very least, negotiate.. Here we go, yet again..


Anonymous said...

fingers crossed!

Heidi said...

i'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you and you can cross them back for me...we're STILL waiting for a job offer. stabbing myself in the eye would be less painful.

Unknown said...

Thank you girls for all the finger, and toe crossing! Mine are tightly crossed too.. and Heidi.. ugh, can't imagine.. but I'll keep anything crossed that I can for you guys! except my legs, cause I'm just slutty that way ;)