We are set to close on the 23rd of March, if all goes well with the inspections at our house.. if not, then we'll be out about a grand.. and will officially be the lamest home owners on the planet, and the third time will not be a charm. Son of a bitch. I can't even think about that right now.. I'm too busy moving myself in to the new house.. which is in the cutest neighborhood, a place where my boys will finally be able to ride their bikes (well, once we get them some and teach them how to ride it..) The home owners are trying to include a cat in the deal.. my boys are adamant that they do not want a cat.. I'll see what kind of cat it is today and if it's something I could live with, most likely not. I'm not a pet person, and cats smell.
Oh, and my husband surprised me yesterday when I came home from the grocery store with a completely shaved head. Down to the skull. I think it looks good. He called me today from school, to ask me why I didn't tell him that it looked terrible. Um, because it doesn't.. I guess some of the teachers at school voiced a not so positive opinion on his new doo.. poor guy. Here's a pic..

perhaps if he smiled it would look better. :)
Aaa, scary!
also (as I noted on the FB) I feel bad for that kitty.
But congrats on the house! It looks gah-geous!
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