Sunday, March 29, 2009

3 weeks..

is a long time without food, water, a good poop, and certainly a bath.
It has been about 3 weeks that my girls decided the tub was far too scary to ever go in again.. and quite frankly, with all that I've had going on, I couldn't take the time to really fight them on it.
I guess I should back up, you might wonder what could scare 2 almost 3 year olds into not wanting to get into a nice warm tub. It's simple. Toe cheese.
On the night of their last willing bath, I put the second, younger twin into the tub with her sister, and about 5 seconds later they both erupted with screams when they saw the lint that had been securely hidden between their toes, linger up to the surface. I tried scooping up the toe cheese, and explained it was only lint, but they couldn't hear me over their screams. That was it.
So for the last couple of weeks, I've been wiping them down with wash cloths, and trying every night to lure them into the tub. I offered to take one with them, I brought out a bunch of toys, I even bought Elmo bath bubbles. I'm blaming exhaustion, and having to move 4 kids to a new house on why I didn't try harder!
Tonight, after being asked by pretty much everyone I know, who knew the dilemma we were facing, if they had taken a bath, I tried to remember who was in control here, and just put them one by one in the tub, screaming the whole time. It was quick, and it was painless.. no toe cheese was visible through all the bubbles I put in the tub.. and afterwards, they were so proud of themselves, telling everyone in the house that they had bathed. Big whoop.
I'm hoping that tomorrow night, when I try again, there will be less tears, and maybe we've moved passed the scary toe cheese incident. My next big thing with them will be to get them in their own room... yes, we've been here almost a week, and they have yet to sleep in their own beds.. nor has my husband slept in his new bedroom with me.. all in good time.. really..

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