Every year, on this day, I am taken back to the night my girls were born.. I think about how excited I was when my doctor told me at 36 weeks, that I was 3cm. dilated and my c-section would be within the next hour. How happy I was that the pregnancy with my twins would soon be over. I had no idea what was in store for me in the next several months. At that point, I could only focus on not being pregnant anymore.
It's been a long, wonderful, exhausting 3 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It was a beautiful thing this morning, to see my younger twin wish her sister a Happy Birthday.. and to see them open up their presents.
I'm thankful that I get to see them grow up like my sister and I grew up.. as best friends.. even if there is an occasional knock down dirty cat fight, or a time when they can't stand each other, I know those moments are fleeting, and that no matter what, they will always have each other..
1 comment:
Time seems to be flying by! Happy Birthday girls!
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