Friday, March 12, 2010

You know it's going to be a great day when...

-you are awoken by the sound of the smoke detector (again) at 6 am, which only throws all of your kids into a panic. We have yet to figure out what the problem is with the smoke alarm..but basically, we're teaching our kids to cover their ears when it goes off..never mind running out of the house, stop, drop and roll..nope,  just cover those ears!

-you're in the middle of a power crap, and your wonderful carpenter who has shown up at 7 am, starts using one of his really loud saws and wakes up your already skittish 3 year old twins, who come flying up the stairs crying "I scared Mommy, I scared" So much for the power crap.

-when your first grader comes to you 10 minutes before the bus is due, and shows you 2 more sheets of homework that he didn't complete. Even though the night before he said he had nothing (totally more my fault than his.. I know he's only 6)

-reassuring the boys that yes, EVERYTHING is in their backpack, and then realizing moments after the bus has gotten them, that I forgot 2 very important things for my older son, and had to drag the girls to the school to drop it off..

-when you wake up and find that the 30 pound raccoon that lives under our shed (with the skunk) has torn into another garbage bag on the deck, because someone forgot to put it in the bin.. and yes, that someone would be me because I pretty much do everything around here.. and sometimes I just suck.

So, when a day starts like this..I have little hope for the rest of it. I am however hopeful that the work on our house is going to be done in a few weeks, and we can get our lives back to normal a bit..


Bob said...

Regarding the smoke detector...are you sleeping with any windows open or letting it get cold in that room at night? We found that we had this problem in spring or fall as the nights started either getting cooler or we started opening the windows more.

christhadasister said...

power crap, huh? I wonder where your kids get their poop humor from? I can hardly imagine...