Thursday, June 16, 2005

He's going to be fine.. so am I..

Today was a success! My oldest son loved his school.. he made a bunch of new friends (all of whose names he can't remember) and his teacher was really nice- course he can't remember her name either! The important thing is that he didn't even care when I left, he really didn't even notice. Amid the chaos of the kids being dropped off, an older woman (who I'm assuming was a teacher) took his hand and walked him down the hall. I just sort of followed sheepishly, waiting for some big good bye.. a hug, something, anything.. But they rounded the corner to the classroom, and that was it. He was gone, and I was left there in disbelief! My big boy was essentially on his own, from me anyway.
My younger son got home and ran inside calling his brothers name.. love the 2 year old memory! But he was ok that he wasn't there. He got to play with whatever he wanted, with no one to tell him otherwise. And I got to sit down for a few minutes with 2 children who couldn't ask me who my favorite star wars characters were, or what time it was every 2 minutes.
I couldn't wait til 11 though, to go get him! He was so happy to see us and tell me about his new school (which he pronounces "cool") I'm relieved that he liked it, and even more thrilled that he's looking forward to going back tomorrow for one more day!

1 comment:

Patience said...

So happy to hear it was a good experience.
I enjoyed your post on the HOGS enourmously! So true!