I've expressed my views on the family bed before, and I'm totally against it. Especially after doing it with both my boys. The hardest part is getting them to go to their own bed. What kid would want to after sleeping with his parents for a couple of years? Of course, you know it's not going to be cool when the kids 10 years old and having friends over.. "Um, you can take my bed cause I sleep with my parents" Hello? I thought it was wonderful, when they were babies, and I couldn't bare to be away from them for a second.. but when they become toddlers, and won't allow your husband to sleep in his bed with his wife.. then you got some problems!
We've hit a milestone in our house.. Tonight will be the 5th night that my youngest son will have spent in his own bed, and I must say that I feel like I've won the war of the worlds! Every night it's gotten easier, and slowly he's learning that he no longer sleeps with mommy. We got him a Star Wars blanket (which was way too much money, and didn't include the sheets.. my mistake, but what the hell??) I've spent each night at bedtime in his room, right next to his bed, ignoring him. He finally gives in and lays down. If he doesn't, then I tell him he's going to sit in the naughty chair (a bench downstairs that he sits in when he's been bad- inspired by the Super Nanny- it totally works!) I've made a huge deal about what a big boy he is, and how proud I am of him. My next goal with him is to get him off the boob! Or "bobby" as he calls it.. thank god he can't pronounce that one!! I figure I'll take that one a little slower though.. no sense in totally crushing his world right now.. then we'll have the pacifier.. ahh, but one vice at a time huh?
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