Let me first start by saying I'm going to get so drunk tonight, that I might need to puke later! My nephew is officially moved into his dorm, let the party start at my house!!!!! No, I shouldn't be so thrilled.. he really is a great kid, but there's just something about him moving away that makes me feel like I've accomplished something! I guess we did, my husband and I.. my nephew's doing something that neither of his parents did, in fact, he's already done more than they did by graduating high school, and not having 2 kids at his age. And his older sister is wrapped up in her social life, her boyfriend, and just getting by. I think we pushed him in the right direction, and I feel a bit of pride because of that. I remember how exciting, and nerve wracking starting college was.. I'm hoping this is going to be a great experience for him, and lead him to great things. I know he has the potential to be so successful, I just hope he doesn't let the past drag him down.
Bringing him to school today made me reflect about my own college experiences.. I hope he Studies more than I did.. I hope he gets a degree.. and knows that there's more to college than holder keggers at the house you're renting to make money to throw more parties.. and that just because you feel like it's "paid for", when you have a gazillion loans, you better pay them later, cause there's nothing like good credit when you grow up!
I thought about dropping off my boys someday at college.. and how we're all going through so many changes lately.. my oldest starting kindergarten this week.. taking the bus.. pooping at school.. (he still hasn't aced the wiping his own butt thing.. I just hope he holds it!) My youngest is going to be a nightmare adjusting to his brother being at school. My husband is back at school, and I miss him.. hmph, I'm even surprised by that one! But with change I guess can come great things.. like a new fall schedule for t.v. (yea!!) My husband getting a paycheck.. red
You've done such a good job raising him! I truly hope he realizes how lucky he is. Congratulations to all of you for accomplishing all of this so far. W going to kindergarten and maybe pooping at school (you always bring up poop!), that's a big milestone too. Lots of changes but you're good at it!
Thank you Ezili.. always making me feel better! I don't know what happened to the last part of that post, but it wasn't supposed to end in "red" hmm.. I can be a total blogger idiot at times..
look at the size of that head!!
You guys have done a great job and deserve to be drunk everyday (not until I pick up my kid, of course) but you should be really proud of yourself! Maybe Z will be the first of the family to graduate college!
With the size of that head- he could be a friggin genius!!! :)
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