Monday, August 21, 2006


This is the mood I'm finding myself in lately.. Did I really think that being pregnant with the twins was going to be harder than caring for them??


christhadasister said...

Just remember how it felt to try and get off the couch 5 weeks ago- at least now you don't have to roll to one side... and once they start sleeping through the night, things will get so much better! Hang in there- you're doing what most people couldn't ever imagine doing (and living to tell the story!) Don't forget about all those babysitters you have out there- take advantage of them!! Even if it's just so you can take a nap!

christhadasister said...

I didn't notice this before, but your little one is flipping you off- is that the mood you were referring to- the mood that says you've been screwed?

Anonymous said...

Ha!!!!I love this picture. You really should make it into a greeting for a birthday or valentine's day

McPolack said...

OK, that finger picture is the GREATEST!

And so are you. G-zus. 2 little boys plus 2 newborns? I can't imagine it. I wish I could offer fellow mom words of wisdom but as it is just me and my kitty here all I can say is, hang in there!

christhadasister said...

Time to update the name of your blog, by the way... I liked You Who's suggestion: holycrapyouvegottobefrigginkiddinme.blogspot.

Ezili said...

So is this G flipping everyone off? Looks more like G than Q to me. You need a nanny or two to help you out for a few days or 8 hours or ... ASK for help! Don't be putting so much on yourself girlfriend!