Thursday, March 13, 2008


I did the worst thing a mom could do. I forgot to do something that I had promised my son. He cried, and cried, and my husband just sat there and gloated. He loves it when I look bad! It takes the heat off of him.
I had told my oldest son that I would print something at work for him, because our printer is dead (has been for many many months). Last night it totally escaped my mind, and when I walked in the door empty handed, his heart broke. Tonight he made me a note reminding me what he wanted printed, and put it in my purse.
Here's the kicker. The website,, is restricted here at work. It must be all those filthy animals that they don't want us viewing. I called home and I'm letting my husband break the bad news. Hopefully he'll be done crying when I get home.. jeez..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can print it out for you and put it in the mail...

poor little webkinz lover.