The last two April fools days I have told my husband that I was pregnant. He bought it both times. I'm not even going to try that one this year.. if I remember correctly, sex is required for a pregnancy and unless I'm the second coming of Mary, I couldn't ever make him buy that one!
So, this year, I'm trying to decide how to pull one over on him this year. It's between telling him that I met someone while he was gone, or telling him that some skank has filed a paternity suit against him. I know they're both really harsh, but that's why I love them! I'm leaning more towards the paternity thing.. I'll post on that later!
His plane is delayed tonight, so I'm going to have another night with the remote... big deal. Ok, I'm off to put the girly girls to bed..
You should try the pregnant one again, he might not put together the whole no sex, virgin mary thing... his head's been in the dry, humid desert for days...
Oh, and what do you mean- another night with the remote? Is that what I bought you batteries for the other day?
the pregnant one is GREAT! I think you could try it again!
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