Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm a great you all didn't know that already!

Yes, I am a great aunt, a fabulous one in fact, but now I am officially a GREAT aunt.. like an old lady kind of aunt.. My niece had a baby today.. a girl.. Everyone is doing well, and I'm hoping to get up to see her this weekend. I love babies..especially the ones that I don't have to bring home with me!!

1 comment:

Ballard Greener said...

It's hard to beleive our kids are second cousins to someone. It always amazes me that my babies have first cousins that are in their twenties. Then again I once knew a man who had a baby at seventy years old while his other daughter was in her forties. Your mom is so lucky, my grandmother had to wait until she was in her ninties to become "great grandma".