Thursday, May 08, 2008

Stealing for a good cause..

I just got a call from a risk management group concerning my bank card. Apparently someone has gotten a hold of my credit card number, and donated to the red cross. That is exactly what I would do if I was going to be a criminal and steal peoples credit card numbers. I would be the Robin Hood of the electronic age.. giving to the needy. pulease.
They also used it to check my credit.. hmm.. I'm sure they were NOT impressed.
I'm not going to stop shopping on line, for me it's a necessity. They caught it quick, and what are the chances of it happening again? btw, that's a rhetorical question, so don't leave any statistics, or advice.. I don't want it. Living in blissful ignorance is my what I prefer! :)


Ballard Greener said...

risk management group? What information did you share with them? How do you know they are who they say they are? Did you go online and confirm their story of a red cross transaction was correct? How would they do a credit check on you without your social?

Unknown said...

I didn't give them any info. They had it just from me giving them my phone number. All they did was cancel my card. I called the bank, and verified online that the transactions were there. And actually, I don't know if they did a credit check on me, or just tried getting one using my credit card to pay for it.. I'm not worried though, the account is closed and I'll be getting a new card in a few days.