Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This Weekend..

So, this is the weekend I've been anxiously waiting for.. the girls weekend to celebrate ctale's upcoming nuptials.. The guys had their weekend last weekend, which included a lot of drinking, playing the Wii and more drinking. I guess the did some boating and fishing too, but my husband has been less than forthcoming with any details.. not that he's hiding anything, that is just him, plain and simple.
We're leaving Friday morning, and won't be coming home until sometime on Sunday.. I can't tell you how excited I am to get all that time for myself.. with no one crying at my feet, no one needing me for bum wiping, diaper changing, lunch making or anything at all!!! Sounds like paradise to me!


Anonymous said...


YouWho said...

"...no one crying at my feet, no one needing me for bum wiping, diaper changing, lunch making or anything at all..."

As if none of that could happen at a bachelorette party...

Unknown said...

You know youwho, I actually thought that as I was typing.. although if anyone is going to need any of those things, sadly, it will be me!

Leigh said...

I'm ready for a "Yahtzee" challenge - bring it on!