Thursday, August 28, 2008
His First Cracker..
I hope my sister and brother in law don't mind, but I gave this little guy a cracker today.. he did pretty good!
I've been so busy the last couple of days with school starting, taking care of my sister's kids (without my husband around) and trying to get ready to go camping tomorrow..
My oldest had his 2nd day of 3rd grade today. He had a great day yesterday, although he came home in tears because I wouldn't buy him a new webkin and he was going to have to wait until today because today is payday. Then my 5 year old had his kindergarten open house, which only made him cry once, when they said that the kids were going to take a small bus ride, WITHOUT the parents.. Luckily one of the aides in the classroom just grabbed his hand and lead him away. He was fine after that. He doesn't officially start until next Wednesday (I thought it was Tuesday.. ugh, but I guess I can wait another day before I send him off to school, I'm trying to contain my disappointment here.. ) Anyway, I'm surprised to say that I've really been missing my husband. Surprised only because normally, by the end of the summer, I am counting the days til he returns to school. But this summer he was actually a big help to me. I know, it surprised me too! He's not camping with us this weekend, but he's staying home with the girls. I'm looking forward to just having the boys to take care of and maybe enjoy this trip! Of course blogless will be joining us, so that will make it even more enjoyable..
So, here's a picture of my handsome 3rd grader.. I haven't taken one of his brother yet, as he hasn't officially started.. Oh, and on a different note, I am currently blogging while 4 of the 6 kids are napping! Yeah!!

Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm done working full time for the summer. boo-hoo. I'll get over it. But it was a bit sad leaving work tonight, for the last time this summer.. I'll be returning to the full time mom position, that doesn't pay as well, but is definitely far more rewarding.. I'm looking forward to getting into our fall routine.. school, and sports.. and balancing it all. I work best under pressure, and there will be lots of that I'm sure! It's going to be nice to be getting my husband's paycheck.. It's not easy living on mine!
Next weekend, labor day, we're having our last summer hurrah, and going camping with blogless and her family. I can't wait. I'm sad to see the summer ending, as I always am. But like I do every fall, I try to focus on the fun things we can do as a family, and getting to wear my "fall wardrobe" which is always more flattering than the summers! I just hope that all goes well with the up coming start of kindergarten for my 5 year old, and 3rd grade for my oldest.. Here's to what I hope to be a great school year!
Next weekend, labor day, we're having our last summer hurrah, and going camping with blogless and her family. I can't wait. I'm sad to see the summer ending, as I always am. But like I do every fall, I try to focus on the fun things we can do as a family, and getting to wear my "fall wardrobe" which is always more flattering than the summers! I just hope that all goes well with the up coming start of kindergarten for my 5 year old, and 3rd grade for my oldest.. Here's to what I hope to be a great school year!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
We had an impromptu photo shoot tonight.. It's time I get these kids in and have some professional pictures again.. They are the epitome of brotherly/sisterly love, really, they are so good to each other, and take such good care of each other.. I hope that continues.. I don't ever want to forget these moments..

Our Anniversary Lobster Fest..
So my husband and I had a great dinner at Cartelli's in Dover.. and enjoyed the company of my older sister and her husband.. we then headed home to find all of the kids camped out on the living room floor. It looked like a possible disaster had taken place, but my mom said they just wanted to sleep there, and when you're the sitter, I don't care what you have to do to make your night as simple as possible.
Today we had our lobster. Yum. We got it at the basket, where they so kindly, steam them for you (free of charge as well). That has to be the worst part, putting those poor animals in a vat of boiling water, so I was quite pleased not to have to do that. I also got steamers, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. The boys didn't want to join us at the kitchen table as the smell was making them ill. So the kids had their mac and cheese, and corn on the cob in the living room, and my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful seafood feast at the table without either one of us crying, or complaining that we didn't like was what being served. It was heavenly.
Currently the girls are watching Dora the Explorer, and having their before bed time milk, the boys are up in their room playing with their webkinz before bed. My husband is at yet another show, and in about 15 minutes, I'll have the couch, and the t.v. to myself.. I can barely wait!
Today we had our lobster. Yum. We got it at the basket, where they so kindly, steam them for you (free of charge as well). That has to be the worst part, putting those poor animals in a vat of boiling water, so I was quite pleased not to have to do that. I also got steamers, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. The boys didn't want to join us at the kitchen table as the smell was making them ill. So the kids had their mac and cheese, and corn on the cob in the living room, and my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful seafood feast at the table without either one of us crying, or complaining that we didn't like was what being served. It was heavenly.
Currently the girls are watching Dora the Explorer, and having their before bed time milk, the boys are up in their room playing with their webkinz before bed. My husband is at yet another show, and in about 15 minutes, I'll have the couch, and the t.v. to myself.. I can barely wait!
Friday, August 15, 2008
For the love of God..
Do my neighbors, or my entire town for that matter, not know that I am raising a brood of scardey cats, and that fireworks after the fourth of July are just unacceptable? I'm trying to enjoy an evening alone (my husband is at a show, and all of my kids are in bed) However, the second they heard the zing of the first firework, by some douche bag down the street, the boys flew down the stairs, too afraid to go back to their room. Ugh.. seriously, come on folks, I just want an hour of peace and quiet.. just an hour. Is that really too much to ask?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
10 Years (holy shit huh?)
In 2 days my husband and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I had originally said that I wanted a new wedding band. After 10 years, I've decided the one I picked out a decade ago doesn't suite me anymore. However, with our finances the way they are, that likely won't happen, but I'm ok with that.
To celebrate, we had wanted to simply get out for the night, but our usual babysitter is in Canada this week. And even though we've had multiple offers by our wonderful family and friends, we've decided that we are going to have a family day, and hang out here.. I think lobsters might come in somewhere.. and despite my pleas for a party, it's going to just be us, and the kiddo's.. And really, I'm fine with that.
I got to thinking the other night about our life, and how 10 years has passed, in a shockingly fast manner, and what my life holds for me in the next 10 years. It will no doubt be filled with child rearing, as we are still only just beginning to go down that road. But in another 10 years, when we will undoubtedly be way less attractive, and have even less energy than we do now, we will also have an 18 yer old child, who we'll be getting ready to send off to college. The thought of that makes my stomach turn in knots, but then I'm brought back by the thought of having two 12 year olds, and a 15 year old. That makes my stomach do other things (like wanting to heave into the nearest container).
I don't really even know how we got here, 4 kids, a home, work.. it just seems surreal to think of what my life was like 10 years ago.. no kids. no cares, really. just him and I.. trying to make sense of having a marriage, and trying not to giggle every time I referred to him as "my husband". I find some pride in being married for 10 years, as I should right? My folks were married for 9 years, something I thought was huge when I was a kid.. but here we are, still in love.. still having that lust for each other (oh yes I did just say that!) And still excited about what our future brings..
plan change: my older sister and her husband are taking us out for our anniversary, and my mom is coming home from Canada on Saturday to watch the kids.. Lobster will be served on Sunday instead!
To celebrate, we had wanted to simply get out for the night, but our usual babysitter is in Canada this week. And even though we've had multiple offers by our wonderful family and friends, we've decided that we are going to have a family day, and hang out here.. I think lobsters might come in somewhere.. and despite my pleas for a party, it's going to just be us, and the kiddo's.. And really, I'm fine with that.
I got to thinking the other night about our life, and how 10 years has passed, in a shockingly fast manner, and what my life holds for me in the next 10 years. It will no doubt be filled with child rearing, as we are still only just beginning to go down that road. But in another 10 years, when we will undoubtedly be way less attractive, and have even less energy than we do now, we will also have an 18 yer old child, who we'll be getting ready to send off to college. The thought of that makes my stomach turn in knots, but then I'm brought back by the thought of having two 12 year olds, and a 15 year old. That makes my stomach do other things (like wanting to heave into the nearest container).
I don't really even know how we got here, 4 kids, a home, work.. it just seems surreal to think of what my life was like 10 years ago.. no kids. no cares, really. just him and I.. trying to make sense of having a marriage, and trying not to giggle every time I referred to him as "my husband". I find some pride in being married for 10 years, as I should right? My folks were married for 9 years, something I thought was huge when I was a kid.. but here we are, still in love.. still having that lust for each other (oh yes I did just say that!) And still excited about what our future brings..
plan change: my older sister and her husband are taking us out for our anniversary, and my mom is coming home from Canada on Saturday to watch the kids.. Lobster will be served on Sunday instead!
Thanks for thinking of me!

I just want to say thank you to my husband's girlfriend (aka the bass player in his band) for getting me a ticket to Radiohead tonight too.. Oh, wait, he DIDN'T! Instead of getting to see a show at what used to be Great Woods, on this beautiful night, I'm at home with all 4 of my kids.. My husband on the other hand is with his buddy, and his buddy's girlfriend seeing a kick ass show. You suck dude.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The fun is endless having girls.. I remember when my sister and I were 10, my aunt had a baby boy. We dressed him as often as we could (and as often as we were allowed to) like a girl. Sometimes right down to make-up and nail polish. Surprisingly my aunt never minded... The girls finally have enough hair for pigtails, and their toes are already painted.. I'm so not a girly girl, but it's fun playing with my own! I guess if I had been given some barbie dolls during my childhood, instead of being sent outside to be a tom boy, my girls wouldn't cringe when I come at them with the brush and elastics.. Anyway, how cute are they??.jpg)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
She looks too cute to be dangerous, don't ya think?

Here is one of my girls, in a shirt I found that one of my good friends gave me a while back. It is completely fitting that she be wearing this shirt, with this particular statement on it. She's the twin who gave me a black and blue eye a few weeks back, and the one who has decided the only way to communicate with anyone is by giving them a good bitch slap on whatever body part she can reach. It's charming. Unfortunately, she has decided that hitting my sister's 9 month old twins is a great way to let out some of her pent up aggression (although why someone who lives like a queen would have pent up anything is beyond me) She's learning, and by god, if I don't end up bitch slapping her myself in the process, then we might be in pretty good shape!
"I don't know how to tell you this mom, but you're fat!"
This is what my 8 year old had the nerve to say to me the other day. I couldn't believe it. First of all, I don't think he really thinks I'm fat, nor do I think people would describe me as someone who was fat. But being a woman, with feelings, and issues in the past regarding weight, this was a rather crushing statement for my son to make.
I know he was just kidding around with me. He's at the awkward stage where he doesn't really know what's funny, and what can be rude. Trust me, he's learning. When I asked him if he had just said that I was fat, he got very defensive, and immediately starting back tracking and insisting he hadn't said that. I know at that point, he understood the joke he thought he was saying, was in fact something you should not say to anyone, thin, fat or in between. I don't think he'll go there again.
In hindsight, I should have not taken his remark personally. I should have just calmly explained that telling anyone that they're fat is just not a nice thing to do, and that it's hurtful. Of course if we could all parent in hindsight, we would have perfect little children who never did anything wrong. It's a learning process, and I get that. I think he took what I said to heart, and I don't think he'll be saying that to me, or anyone else again. At least that's what I'm hoping!
I know he was just kidding around with me. He's at the awkward stage where he doesn't really know what's funny, and what can be rude. Trust me, he's learning. When I asked him if he had just said that I was fat, he got very defensive, and immediately starting back tracking and insisting he hadn't said that. I know at that point, he understood the joke he thought he was saying, was in fact something you should not say to anyone, thin, fat or in between. I don't think he'll go there again.
In hindsight, I should have not taken his remark personally. I should have just calmly explained that telling anyone that they're fat is just not a nice thing to do, and that it's hurtful. Of course if we could all parent in hindsight, we would have perfect little children who never did anything wrong. It's a learning process, and I get that. I think he took what I said to heart, and I don't think he'll be saying that to me, or anyone else again. At least that's what I'm hoping!
Monday, August 04, 2008
"No, I said shut your ASS, not your MOUTH"
This is what I heard my 5 year old son tell his big brother yesterday in the car, giggling all the while. My husband and I were speechless, which is not to say that we couldn't help laughing out loud. But after we told him that it was a bad word, and to please not say it again, we regained some composure and wondered where he learned that word. He couldn't remember.. This is what I'm guessing.. either the Family Guy, or the Simpsons.. a couple of shows that I learned last week their dad lets them watch sometimes.. when I'm not home.
I am constantly amazed at what my dear husband thinks is good, or not good for our kids.. Pop tarts, not so good. Foul mouthed cartoons for immature adults, not so bad. 

A Couple Camping Pics..
Yes, that's me! In a picture!! See, I do exist, if not for this one photo. Actually, the only reason I'm in this picture was because I told my husband that my camera wasn't working, so he snapped this to prove me wrong.
Here is my oldest son, and my wonderful nephew, who joined us this weekend. He was a huge help (as always) and even skipped a shower for two days, which is a big deal to him!

The girls enjoying the beach.. I didn't put bathing suits on them as I thought they wouldn't go in the water. big duh on my part. The one in the gray shirt took a dive into the water, and had to be rescued by yours truly. My fear of the kids getting any water in their mouths was realized when she gulped quite a huge amount while waiting for me to save her.. She hasn't shown any signs of the water being toxic..
And here is my family on the beach, under the cloudy skies.. My mom stopped in for a visit, but refused to let me get a good picture of her. She couldn't see me from the back though!

The girls enjoying the beach.. I didn't put bathing suits on them as I thought they wouldn't go in the water. big duh on my part. The one in the gray shirt took a dive into the water, and had to be rescued by yours truly. My fear of the kids getting any water in their mouths was realized when she gulped quite a huge amount while waiting for me to save her.. She hasn't shown any signs of the water being toxic..

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Next time..
I'll pack for our camping trip.
While my husband did an over all good job, he did forget one essential. Diapers. We didn't realize this until bedtime, after both of us had each had a drink or two and were definitely not about to drive to the store. I had swim diapers, which I thought would be just fine for the night, however the reason they are swim diapers is because they don't absorb ANYTHING, and I spent my entire night, changing the girls, who had soaked through 5 set of pajama's, our sheets, and my clothes as they both were laying on me most of the night..It really sucked. Next time I think I'll just wrap their butts in paper towels because really, that would have worked better. To top it all off, my 5 year old woke up during one of the babies changings, and had pissed the bed as well. He was sharing it with my husband, who had already lost his patience. It was a shining moment for us as parents let me tell you!
Anyway, we had a great time, despite being covered in pee no one has gotten sick from any contaminated lake water, and the camp ground was really nice. Last night they had "Christmas in August" where we joined a bunch of the campers in the rec hall and waited for Santa. He showed up, scared the beejesus out of my girls, and gave all the kids a present (provided by their folks of course) and then shared cake and ice cream sandwiches. The kids loved it. Hopefully we'll get back there again this month, but for right now, my husband and I are both camped out, and too busy doing laundry that smells like pee to even talk about another trip...
While my husband did an over all good job, he did forget one essential. Diapers. We didn't realize this until bedtime, after both of us had each had a drink or two and were definitely not about to drive to the store. I had swim diapers, which I thought would be just fine for the night, however the reason they are swim diapers is because they don't absorb ANYTHING, and I spent my entire night, changing the girls, who had soaked through 5 set of pajama's, our sheets, and my clothes as they both were laying on me most of the night..It really sucked. Next time I think I'll just wrap their butts in paper towels because really, that would have worked better. To top it all off, my 5 year old woke up during one of the babies changings, and had pissed the bed as well. He was sharing it with my husband, who had already lost his patience. It was a shining moment for us as parents let me tell you!
Anyway, we had a great time, despite being covered in pee no one has gotten sick from any contaminated lake water, and the camp ground was really nice. Last night they had "Christmas in August" where we joined a bunch of the campers in the rec hall and waited for Santa. He showed up, scared the beejesus out of my girls, and gave all the kids a present (provided by their folks of course) and then shared cake and ice cream sandwiches. The kids loved it. Hopefully we'll get back there again this month, but for right now, my husband and I are both camped out, and too busy doing laundry that smells like pee to even talk about another trip...
Friday, August 01, 2008
We are going camping again with the kids this weekend. It's been a stressful event planning this. First of all, last minute camping is not something I want to take on again. Finding a place that was suitable to my husband turned out to be somewhat of a nightmare. He didn't want to have to drive far, and preferred to stay at a private campground rather than a state park because there is more to do for the kids. And he wasn't willing to pay jack shit for this. Well, two days ago we found a place that had a site available, and we booked it. Yesterday while we were out, we drove to see it. We knew it was on a river, but we didn't realize that the campsite was literally ON the river, with a rather nasty drop off.. Last night my husband and I were both tossing and turning with the thought of our kids (mainly the girls) falling into the river, wandering off into the river and so on.
That was the end of that place. So, on the Internet we went, searching for another place. Not too annoying a task, especially trying to find a place with availability today. We did find one, but the rates were ridiculous. I guess this is where my husband thinks karma took over, as I had called the first place and lied saying our daughter's were sick.. and begged not to be charged a cancellation fee.
After throwing my hands up in the air, and giving my husband the task of figuring this out, he found a campground that had reasonable rates, availability, and that was close to home. I was feeling sick all morning due to the stress of this trip. I have control issues, I want to be in control, and since I had to be at work all day, having no control over this was making me sick. Literally.
I only called home about 2 dozen times to make sure he didn't forget this, and that. I'm surprised that he even answered the phone honestly!
I am now anxious to get up there and see what kind of dump this is.. my husband googled the campground and found an article about dead fish turning up on the lake in April, and concern about whether or not there was something toxic in the lake killing these fish. The only consolation is that my kids don't swim. They can't swim, I should say. They'll only wade into their knees, so I guess as long as they don't drink the water, then they should be fine.. good lord.
That was the end of that place. So, on the Internet we went, searching for another place. Not too annoying a task, especially trying to find a place with availability today. We did find one, but the rates were ridiculous. I guess this is where my husband thinks karma took over, as I had called the first place and lied saying our daughter's were sick.. and begged not to be charged a cancellation fee.
After throwing my hands up in the air, and giving my husband the task of figuring this out, he found a campground that had reasonable rates, availability, and that was close to home. I was feeling sick all morning due to the stress of this trip. I have control issues, I want to be in control, and since I had to be at work all day, having no control over this was making me sick. Literally.
I only called home about 2 dozen times to make sure he didn't forget this, and that. I'm surprised that he even answered the phone honestly!
I am now anxious to get up there and see what kind of dump this is.. my husband googled the campground and found an article about dead fish turning up on the lake in April, and concern about whether or not there was something toxic in the lake killing these fish. The only consolation is that my kids don't swim. They can't swim, I should say. They'll only wade into their knees, so I guess as long as they don't drink the water, then they should be fine.. good lord.
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