I just want to say thank you to my husband's girlfriend (aka the bass player in his band) for getting me a ticket to Radiohead tonight too.. Oh, wait, he DIDN'T! Instead of getting to see a show at what used to be Great Woods, on this beautiful night, I'm at home with all 4 of my kids.. My husband on the other hand is with his buddy, and his buddy's girlfriend seeing a kick ass show. You suck dude.
wtf? this sounds like something my husband would do...knowing he had a 'babysitter' already lined up. i'm mad for you.
WOW I am jealous. I love them. You should be pissed. He owes you big time.
But tickets were available as far as I know?
The husband told me that there were no tickets available.. but that was what HE said.. but I think I had heard they were sold out anyway.. boo hoo..
There are always tickets available, ticket agencies are legal in mass. Years ago I'd gotten Dead tickets over the phone 24 hours in advance of a show overnighted to me.
Well anonymous, did that ticket agency have childcare available?? Seriously, the show was sold out! I'm 36.. I'm not about to go scalping tickets down in Mansfield Ma. in hopes of getting in! I'm just too old for that shit! But thanks for the input. Really.
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