Sunday, August 03, 2008

Next time..

I'll pack for our camping trip.
While my husband did an over all good job, he did forget one essential. Diapers. We didn't realize this until bedtime, after both of us had each had a drink or two and were definitely not about to drive to the store. I had swim diapers, which I thought would be just fine for the night, however the reason they are swim diapers is because they don't absorb ANYTHING, and I spent my entire night, changing the girls, who had soaked through 5 set of pajama's, our sheets, and my clothes as they both were laying on me most of the night..It really sucked. Next time I think I'll just wrap their butts in paper towels because really, that would have worked better. To top it all off, my 5 year old woke up during one of the babies changings, and had pissed the bed as well. He was sharing it with my husband, who had already lost his patience. It was a shining moment for us as parents let me tell you!
Anyway, we had a great time, despite being covered in pee no one has gotten sick from any contaminated lake water, and the camp ground was really nice. Last night they had "Christmas in August" where we joined a bunch of the campers in the rec hall and waited for Santa. He showed up, scared the beejesus out of my girls, and gave all the kids a present (provided by their folks of course) and then shared cake and ice cream sandwiches. The kids loved it. Hopefully we'll get back there again this month, but for right now, my husband and I are both camped out, and too busy doing laundry that smells like pee to even talk about another trip...

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