Friday, April 03, 2009

Crying It Out....

I'm listening to my oldest daughter screaming in her crib.
Tonight is the first night that they have been put in their own beds. They are not liking it one bit. It is however, time. We've been in the new place almost 2 weeks, and they need to adjust to life in their own room. I'm downstairs, listening to her yell "mine". I don't know what she thinks is "hers" at the moment.. My husband is upstairs, listening to them while he tries to watch t.v.
A part of me wants to just run up and grab them both and bring them to bed with me. Thankfully, the bigger part of me is tired of sharing my queen sized bed, with two toddlers who toss and turn and kick me all night.. It's like a bandaid right? Painful at first, but fine soon after (right Hill?)
Ugh.. I'm off to see how the hubbers is doing.. nighty nights..


ctale said...

damn right sister! Now if I could only stop falling for Stella's "I'm really scared or hurt!" fake cry she likes to use in the middle of the night...

Unknown said...

holy moly, x. I didn't know they still slept with you. that's pretty much what's happening with my girls at the moment and you just inspired me to be tough and make them start sleeping in thier own crib...soon.

My first had to cry it out. the girl has quite a will. it took a LOOOOOOOOONg time. Good luck, friend.