Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Half Trained.. Staple Guns.. and a Stranger..

It's official! I have a potty trained girl! Well, except for the pooping (we all know that comes a bit later) One of my girls is going like a champ..she's totally aware when she has to go, and lets me know the instant she needs to. Last night was the first night that I let her wear her underwear to bed, and she woke up dry! yay!! I'm guessing the pooping is on it's way..the last time she went in a diaper, and the time before that, she had an accident in her underwear, when we had company over. She was walking around with a little tail, and was not pleased one bit.
It's only half a victory though, considering her sister has yet to even tinkle the slighest bit on the potty. I guess that when my sister and I were potty training, I was 6 months behind..That's ok though..she promises me that she'll do it on Tuesday..(even when it is Tuesday, she promises to go NEXT Tuesday) and if I only have to change half the diapers that I've been changing for the past 3 years, then I'm good with that!
I have been struggling with keeping my 2 year old twin nephews in their cribs at naptime this week. I'm out of duct tape, and forgot to get some at the store (it was working pretty well on the crib tents that they have practically destroyed). Today was a shining moment, one where the light bulb in my dim little head shone so brightly.. I borrowed my contractor's staple gun and have successfully (and safely) contained them in the cribs, and they are snoozing away!
My youngest son is home sick today.. he's got a bit of a cough, and couldn't imagine having to go to school with it. He hasn't missed much since his elbow surgery in September, so I let him stay. This was very upsetting to my older son. How unfair that he had to go to school, and his little brother got to enjoy the chaos of a house filled with children. I reminded him of what he refers to our house when I'm babysitting.. He calls it simply "madness" Yes, it is. And he quickly got over it and got his butt on the bus.
I also got a lovely email today from a father of 4 who found my blog after doing a search on having 4 kids. I guess we have many similarities (as far as the insanity of it all goes). It truly made my day. He said he laughed outloud, more than he could count, and that my stories were well written and refreshing.. oh, and that I'm a total smoking hot babe! (well, maybe I just threw that last part in..but for future emailers, it wouldn't hurt to include that as well.. oh, I keed..I keed)  I just love a good pat on the back! Even from a total stranger! So, dude, thank you..


christhadasister said...

Glad to hear the staple gun is working though I'm afraid to ask exactly how. Also glad to hear that total strangers recognize your greatness-which btw is so obvious!! :)

Gwen said...

I was wondering what kind of cleaning products you are using in your home if you go to youtube and type in toxic brew it will explain how bad lysol and all of the cleaning products are bad for our children.

christhadasister said...

Is that spam right there??