Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I want to scream!! My nephew lives with my husband and I and has since he was 12.. he's now 18. He just graduated from high school a week ago. We're all very proud of him. He got into UNH, which was a miracle.. considering that his grades weren't less than great. All I've ever wanted him to do was to try hard, and do the best that he could do. It's what every parent (or pseudo parent in my case) would want from their child. This is not a stupid kid we're talking about. In fact, he's quite smart.. well, book smart anyway. I'm not sure how much common sense he's got, but he's no dummy. Ok, well actually he is. Or at least that's how I'm feeling at this very moment. We got a letter today from UNH saying that he was UNaccepted. Yep, that's right.. all the excitement and pride that he got into a college, is gone.. and what's worse is that he's in the Bahamas with some church group rebuilding a house (I know, sounds lovely.. but damn I wish he was here so that I could tear him a new one!) I guess failing 3 classes in the last quarter of your senior year is frowned on.. duh.
The story of how my nephew ended up living with us is a long one, and at this moment I don't care to get into it. I'm just going to say that when you raise someone else's kid, there is so much more pressure on you to do it right. It's not even pressure that anyone puts on you, it's the pressure that you put on yourself. It's like when you borrow something from someone. You make sure that you take good care of it, and don't damage it in any way. Eventually you return it, and isn't everyone just so happy that you didn't destroy it. I know that my nephew is not something I've borrowed, or anything that will even be returned (which is probably the saddest part of his whole story..there is no one to return him to.. no one caring if he comes back damaged or not) I just feel like somehow I've failed. I know this isn't about me, it's his life, he's 18 and will have to suffer the consequences. On the other hand, he's living in my house.. and damn it's been nice with him in the Bahamas!!!
Can I scream now????


Anonymous said...

scream away- you have so not failed. his parents failed him, and you've done everything you can to help him. he's making his own choices now. He is so lucky to have you guys- imagine his prospects if you hadn't stepped in. He graduated high school, isn't that more than his parents? Maybe he can build his own damn house in the bahamas..

christhadasister said...

I agree with the dumpsta! Most kids with parents like his end up in foster care with issues much more serious than laziness and stupidity! And they don't usually graduate high school! He is soooo lucky to have you guys and someday when he's not so stupid, he'll realize that and be grateful!