The latest casualty of my favorite show.. Ace Young.. a hunk of burning love who had a shitty voice, and a hippy haircut. I've been cheering for the past several weeks as he's been constantly in the bottom three, and sighing unsatisfied when he made it through to yet another week. Well, last night, he got the ax! And I was thrilled! Finally some justice on American Idol!
Then I started thinking about why I despised the poor sap so much. I think part of it is that to me, he had this attitude that he was a cutie, and there was no way he was going to be voted off. Not to mention the fact that after every song, he starred at the camera with his arm stretched out, and his hand shaking like an epileptic. What's that about?? It was a creepy stare, and his attempt to "reach" the audience was lame. I think if I was 12, I would have been in love, and totally devastated that he was leaving.. However, I couldn't be happier that next week I won't have to see that perfect smile, and hear him ask the guest musician to "mix up their song" like he did with Queen. Cheers to Brian May for telling him that he's not changing his song for anyone! Ahh.. I feel so much better..
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