My youngest son is sick with a stomach flu. The worst of the flu's.. for the person sick with it, and the person caring for the person sick with it. Especially if that sick person is a 3 year old who typically has a pretty pissed off personality, and you add vomiting and diarrhea to it, and you may just want to let that kid puke all over himself.. Screw you if you won't puke in the bucket I'm providing..
ugh.. ok, that's pretty bad, but at this point, that's just how I've been feeling. The poor little guy has been throwing up since last night around 9. Every 2 hours (or less) he was up heaving away. The whole time saying, "Me not sick" Ok buddy, but you still need to aim your vomit in this bucket.. He slept most of the day today, thankfully because he got no sleep last night (much like his mother!) I spent a good portion of my day washing up from last night... sheets, blankets, towels, floors.. everything covered in vomit.. The couch, oh I can't forget the couch.. I had just washed the pillow covers 2 days ago (not an easy feat let me tell you!) This is becoming a gross post, sorry.. but I've been up to my elbows in bodily fluids for almost 24 hours..
My husband slept on the sleeping bag in my son's room, I know that he was awoken every 2 hours when I was bringing him to the bathroom (trying to save my bedroom carpet from another burst of puke) My husband was helpful this morning, when I asked him to make my oldest son's lunch, who hasn't caught this lovely flu, but most definitely will. Before all this, my youngest is sitting next to me on the couch, and my bucket is in the kitchen.. dumb dumb.. I recognize he's about to puke again, and all I could do was cup my hands under his mouth and hope to catch some of it. And what is my ever so helpful husband doing? Standing about 2 feet away eating his breakfast.. looking at me. Um, hello? Want to grab the bucket please????? He did come to the rescue in time.. so I won't give him any more shit. He's home with them now as I work my 1.5 hours.. hopefully no one's puking. My little one was eating a cracker when I left, his first consumption since yesterday.. I'm just praying that he keeps it down.. I'm running out of sheets, and towels.. I ran out of patience at about 2am.. can anyone tell??
1 comment:
If I didn't know that your digital camera was broken, I would have totally thought that was your sick little guy... Hope he's feeling better soon (for the both of you!)
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