Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reality Check..

There's a lot of stuff you can do when you're 5 months pregnant with one baby. Going to IKEA and walking around for 3-4 hours is definitely one of them. Coming home and assembling your new kitchen chairs is another. However, as it turns out, this should not be something you do when you are pregnant with two. I found this out the hard way... I felt totally fine, right up until bed time.. that's when the back pain started, and the headache soon followed.
I had a routine OB appt. scheduled the next day, which was good, because by the time it was my turn to be seen, I was feeling light headed, and had been having these weird cramps. This isn't something your doctor wants to hear, but she cautiously put me on bed rest for last night, and at least the rest of today. I called out sick to work, and cancelled my baby sitting duties for today. She was afraid that I may have been having contractions because of over doing it the previous day. Great. Even though I'm 5 months along, my uterus thinks were's somewhere closer to 7.. so it doesn't want all this activity.. Luckily, laying down for most of today, and last night has seemed to make the cramping stop, or at least lessen. It was definitely a wake up call to me, that I'm not going to be able to keep up to my normal rigorous pace anymore. I'm going to have to depend a lot more on my husband, family and friends. Which I have an incredibly hard time doing. My mom came over after work today and folded some laundry and took care of the boys. It was really hard for me not to just get up and do it. But I'm trying. I am at work right now, but only because I thought this would be the most relaxing place for me right now. Last night by 7, I was wishing I had gone in.. it was just too crazy at my house. But now as I'm getting ready to leave, I'm going to be happy to get home and lay back down..
My sister has found a neighbor down the street who is going to start watching my niece next week until she can get her into daycare in June. I know it's the best thing, I know that I need to take it easy, and caring for a 13 month old is definitely not going to allow that.. but it makes me sad that someone else is going to be watching her.. I'm going to miss her a lot, and my sister had better bring her by my couch often! Life is already starting to change with the upcoming birth of these girls.. I hope I can handle it!


McPolack said...

The constant resting would be really hard for me, too. I feel for you. Hang in there!

christhadasister said...

Little miss is going to miss you, but we will definitely be stopping by to visit you on the couch!
Now, you make sure to take it easy and delegate some of those household duties to the people in your house that aren't carrying twins!!! (they know who they are;)