Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Everyone except for my husband is sick.. The boys, the babies, and me.. what fun! I haven't had to call out of work (cause staying at home is way harder than coming to work) and my oldest only missed one day from school this week, he didn't want to get any of his classmates sick (how thoughtful, and, gee, I never would have thought of that when I was a kid..)
Anyway, I think we're on the mend, and I hope that being sick now means we won't be sick on Christmas! Speaking of Christmas.. I was hoping that I would be able to skip it this year (with the recent births and all).. but alas the kids are still counting on Santa to come down our very narrow chimney, through our wood stove, and into our living room.. I've finished all the shopping I can do on line, and now I have a few things to get at stores.. ick, I have really gotten into the on line shopping the past few years, I don't know why anyone would even consider going into a mall in 2006, what with the internet and all the wonderful options out there..but now all the packages are in my basement, waiting to be wrapped.. which my mom is coming over to do tomorrow.. It's unbelievable what little I can get done with twin babies! Well, not that unbelievable I guess, but it still shocks me on the occasion.
I spoke with my nephew the other day.. Looks like he's coming back home. One of his two roommates moved out over the weekend. He decided to take a semester off and bailed. The other guy wants to move into another there's my nephew kind of left in the lurch. After talking to my husband, we decided he could move back into our basement (as long as he paid rent- there has to be something in it for us!) So it looks like that's the plan. I could tell he was relieved, seeing as how he didn't have the money for next semesters rent (you have to pay it in advance, and it's really expensive). We'll see how I'm feeling about this in a few months when the smell of his dirty room is lingering it's way upstairs! But for right now I'm happy that he's coming home, and I hope that he's going to stick to the plans he's making (going to trade school to be an electrician..) He does have a habit of telling me what I want to hear, but he's got a girlfriend now, a really nice one, and I think he wants to do well for her.. If not for himself right?

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