Friday, December 15, 2006

Scratch Test..

I took my son to the allergy specialist today. They did a pft (pulmonary function test) and a scratch test.. Among other physical things (like listening to his lungs, looking in his eyes, mouth, etc) I had been dreading the scratch test the most, and hadn't at all prepared my son for this. He's the type of kid that doesn't need time to worry about things. It's better if you just spring it on him. I was like that as a child too. He panicked for a minute, but then I was able to distract him with stories from my childhood while they scratched away. He did a great job, and I was so proud of him.

The cough he's had for the last 5 months is not allergy related. This doctor thinks that he has a chronic sinus infection that the last round of anti biotics didn't clear it up. So he's trying another anti biotic, a stronger one, along with some nasal spray. We have to go back in 3 weeks and see how he's doing.. it looks like getting my wood floors might have to wait.. since that nasty carpet isn't making him sick.. Oh well.. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that whatever is going on is going to clear up after this round of medication.

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