Tonight is the annual viewing of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer at my house.. The boys are very excited about this.. They bring down their pillows, and blankets and we make a cozy bed on the floor. We own the DVD, and watched it last week, but it's just not the same as seeing it on t.v.
The commercials are when the boys can run around the room and get some of their excitement out, or get another snack (popcorn and hot chocolate are required..) That wraps up my night..
Tomorrow I'm going to visit Ctale in the hospital where she gave birth to her perfect baby girl last night.. I can't wait to meet her! When I talked to her today, and asked her how she was feeling, she said like a mack truck had driven through her ass.. I remember that feeling!!
My mom stopped by today.. she's lost 8 pounds on her diarrhea diet.. This would be why she hasn't called the doctor about it. That and the fact she doesn't want any bad news before Christmas.. so she'll just delay any treatment that might be critical until then. I wish she cared more about herself than that..
My son came home from school today and wanted to play out in the newly fallen snow, which ended up being just a dusting. They had a 2 hour delay this morning, and didn't get to go out for recess because it was too cold. After begging me for about 2 minutes (that was all I could take) I let them go out.. bundled them up good, and sent them out the back door. They made snow angels in the grassy snow.. and came back in when the neighbor's dog was let out.. about 5 minutes later. They're going to be sad when it's in the 50's over the weekend and that lame amount of snow is gone.. If they only knew how much they were going to get sick of the white stuff later!!
Oo! Oo! Ctale had her baby? What time? How big? How long was the labor? Was it natural? Details, please! And please tell her and the Dster congratulations and that I love them very, very much.
: )
And I heart the Rudolph too.
The baby weighed in at 7.8lbs, born at 10:17 last night (12/7) and it was natural (meaning they didn't cut it out of her, but there were drugs involved!) It was a long ass labor though, something close to 2 days! Poor girl! But I think she's recovering well! I'll pass on your congrats!:)
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