There's a new person at work..and when I say new, I mean she's been here since November, so she's not
that new. I don't usually blog about people I work with for fear of them finding it..and honestly, I like the people I work with a lot, and most of them read my blog anyway.. but this woman has no idea about it, and would never find it anyway, she couldn't find her way out of a paper bag, ya know? One of those! Thankfully, I don't have to work with her much. She's nice enough, but sometimes nice just isn't enough..
Here's how she files papers.. There are only 2 drawers in our filing cabinet. When you go and file things, you have a bunch of papers, you look to see where one is, and you put it in the correct slot, look at the other one, and so on.. Well, if you're her.. you take one paper, open the drawer, file it, close the drawer, look at another paper, open the same drawer, file it, and repeat this process until you've filed everything. Normal people, would keep the drawer open.. right? This nonsense of opening and closing.. and opening and closing.. what the hell is that about?? And if she has a question to ask you (which she always does) she needs you to come over to her desk. So she'll come over to yours "You got a minute?" And then walk you back to her desk, turning her head every few feet like you're 5, making sure that you're still coming. One of these times, I'm going to dash off to the bathroom, so when she turns to check and see if I'm still coming, I won't be! ugh.. time to stop hiring people because they have a pulse!