I've been watching Lost faithfully since day 1.. through all the stupid shit they've done on that show (killing the cute guy Boone, putting a polar bear on the island..etc) Even when I found out that they were going on hiatus for most of this years season, I still thought, that's ok, I'll watch it.. I'll be the loyal fan that I am.. Until now.
I'm guessing if they haven't totally lost all respect, and most of their fans, this might do it.. 10pm? Oh come on now! Some of us need to sleep, and get up early, and deal with 4 kids all day! Who can stay up that late? On a week night no less.. So, that's it for me. No more Lost.. no more finding out who Kate really loves.. (like I give a rats ass..) Or what's up with the "others" or with Locke, or Michael.. where did he go? Ugh.. So many unanswered questions that I'll have to find out other ways instead of watching the show.. Remember when it first started? It was on at 8!
It is a total slap in the face and if I didn't have TIVO, I'd be jumping ship, too!
Who pays attention to what time TV shows are on now? ;)
Two words: Comcast DVR
I have Lost waiting for me right now to watch this weekend whenever.
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