The weekend flew by, like they always do. I did manage to get some "me" time on Saturday night. I went over to my sister's house, and hung out with her, her husband and my niece for a while.. it was a welcome break! Another welcome break came in the form of my sister taking the boys over to her house on Sunday to sled and play on the ice (they live on a river..) It was great to see them get out and have some fun, and to just take care of the girls.
Today I made an appointment for my youngest son to have a hearing test. The therapists at the school recommended it to rule out any hearing issues that may be hindering his speech.. So, they had a cancellation and could see us today. Fine. My mother in law came over to get my oldest son off the bus, and I took the girls with me. Heaven forbid I leave them for a second.. Well, I should have. They were ok, but needed to be held (as always) and my 3 year old saw what was expected of him, and freaked out. They wanted him to get into a sound proof booth, a rather dark one, and listen to some lady that he couldn't see. Yea, right! I should have known that I had bitten off much more than I could chew, but with 4 kids, and my mom out of commission to babysit, I had to bring the girls. I could have gone into the booth with him, had I not been with the babies.. great! And the nice audiologist says "didn't they tell you that when you booked the appointment?" No, but of course I didn't tell them I was coming with a litter of kids either.
So anyhoo, I've got an appointment for after his speech eval, which does nothing for us.. I'm going to try and find another place to go. Jeez.. I'm exhausted from reliving this here in my blog! I won't even get into the fact that I used the valet at the dr's office, and the guy almost drove off with one of the babies.. Apparently he thought I was done unloading! Or, forgetting all the baby bags in my car too (including my purse), I was too flustered after almost getting my kid parked with my car that I just spaced it.
One last thing.. I decided last night that instead of listening to my husband whine about how tired he was, that I was going to sleep in the girl's room, and get up with them so that he could sleep.. I blew up our air mattress which fit just perfectly in between their cribs (it's a rather small modest bedroom..) It would have been fine, if there wasn't an apparent slow leak in the mattress that as the night wore on, the bed just got bouncier. I couldn't move without practically launching one of the babies off of it. And it was sooo cold! I guess air doesn't stay warm.. Needless to say I won't be doing that again..
Well, I'm here at work, and I wish I could just lay my head down.. I have another appointment at the school on Wednesday, but it looks like we might get a bunch of snow.. I'm ok with that. I'd rather lay low anyway.. I think I need a vacation.. maybe from my life.. maybe for a week or so..
Today I made an appointment for my youngest son to have a hearing test. The therapists at the school recommended it to rule out any hearing issues that may be hindering his speech.. So, they had a cancellation and could see us today. Fine. My mother in law came over to get my oldest son off the bus, and I took the girls with me. Heaven forbid I leave them for a second.. Well, I should have. They were ok, but needed to be held (as always) and my 3 year old saw what was expected of him, and freaked out. They wanted him to get into a sound proof booth, a rather dark one, and listen to some lady that he couldn't see. Yea, right! I should have known that I had bitten off much more than I could chew, but with 4 kids, and my mom out of commission to babysit, I had to bring the girls. I could have gone into the booth with him, had I not been with the babies.. great! And the nice audiologist says "didn't they tell you that when you booked the appointment?" No, but of course I didn't tell them I was coming with a litter of kids either.
So anyhoo, I've got an appointment for after his speech eval, which does nothing for us.. I'm going to try and find another place to go. Jeez.. I'm exhausted from reliving this here in my blog! I won't even get into the fact that I used the valet at the dr's office, and the guy almost drove off with one of the babies.. Apparently he thought I was done unloading! Or, forgetting all the baby bags in my car too (including my purse), I was too flustered after almost getting my kid parked with my car that I just spaced it.
One last thing.. I decided last night that instead of listening to my husband whine about how tired he was, that I was going to sleep in the girl's room, and get up with them so that he could sleep.. I blew up our air mattress which fit just perfectly in between their cribs (it's a rather small modest bedroom..) It would have been fine, if there wasn't an apparent slow leak in the mattress that as the night wore on, the bed just got bouncier. I couldn't move without practically launching one of the babies off of it. And it was sooo cold! I guess air doesn't stay warm.. Needless to say I won't be doing that again..
Well, I'm here at work, and I wish I could just lay my head down.. I have another appointment at the school on Wednesday, but it looks like we might get a bunch of snow.. I'm ok with that. I'd rather lay low anyway.. I think I need a vacation.. maybe from my life.. maybe for a week or so..
1 comment:
god - those 4am feedings are killer. I always get a little resentful of D that he gets the midnight feeding while I have to get up in the middle of night which also happens to be the same time S decides to blow out her diaper which then wakes her up causing her to want to be "up" ugh
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