The girls are going through some pretty serious separation anxiety. I can't leave the room without them totally freaking out. It's made my day a bit noisier, as I occasionally do have to go from one room to the next, and can't always carry them with me. I remember this with the boys, but of course carrying them around was a lot easier.
One is napping, and the other one is in the baby carrier on my lap as I type. Heaven forbid I turn my back for more than 2 seconds!
So, it's Friday, and I'm feeling a bit of separation anxiety myself. My husband is going out tonight, with a friend to see a band in Portsmouth. Tomorrow he has band practice.. so I'll be a single parent most of the weekend. I'm trying to be supportive, and I understand that he needs an outlet.. but damn, so do I! I didn't mind his band playing when we were in our 20's.. and had no children. I found it quite entertaining to go see him play (the couple of times that he did) I thought it was actually quite sexy.. But not so much anymore.. First of all, they aren't playing anywhere but some guys basement, and second, what's sexy about a bunch of guys in their late 30's jamming without lyrics, a singer?
This is not to say that my husband isn't sexy, but the things that make him sexy to me now are different than when we were young.. his ability to be a good father, and provide for his family.. the fact that he's not only an art teacher and musician, but a self taught carpenter as well..That's sexier than anything to me. But here I am.. with 4 kids to myself all weekend.. so that he can fulfill his needs.. I say that makes me pretty damn sexy myself!
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