Thursday, April 05, 2007

Holy Shit Part Duex..

Anyone who has read my blog, may or may not remember my post when I revealed that I was pregnant with twins.. Fittingly titled "Holy Shit"
Well, here's the conclusion to that.. the sequel..
My twin sister is pregnant!! yea! Very exciting.. I can't wait for her to have another baby! She found out a couple of weeks ago, and had been sitting on the news until she had her first doctor's appointment, and got to see the heartbeat. I've been giving her endless shit, for quite a while, that she was going to have twins too, and live the same sleepless nightmare as me! Haha.. Well, last Friday, she had her first ultrasound.. with the same o.b. who delivered my girls.. and lo and behold.. two babies!! Although there was some skepticism on the dr's part because she could only see one heart beat. She had my sister come back yesterday and do another ultrasound to confirm that in fact there were two babies in there!
The ultrasound determined that there were two, and they are identical!! I am so excited for her to be having twins.. None of our friends know.. not yet! But she's given me the great honor of posting this for them to see!! Holy shit huh??


McPolack said...

Oh, congratulations! That is really exciting! Twins with twins...imagine how many descendants you'll have if this multiplication keeps could have your own country....xianfernistan!

Poetry Echoes said...

Okay, I am really envious of you two! I have a twin sister and we have yet to take that DNA test to determine our status. I have always wanted twins, but after our 4th BOY was born, I decided it, as well as the daughter I desperately wanted, were not meant to be and tied the tubes. Meanwhile, my twin sister is pregnant with #8. Boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, boy, boy, ?? Hopefully girl! On second thought, we don't need to take the test. We must be fraternal.

Unknown said...

You and your sister should definitely get the genetic test. My sister and I are literally freaks of nature, it's very rare that identical twins have twins themselves.. fraternal twins tend to hyper-ovulate.. And 8 kids!? Your sister should have her own "holy shit" post!! :) Check out That's where we got our dna test, I plan on having my girls tested too.. as soon as I can convince my cheap husband to buy it for me! :)