Friday, April 27, 2007

The Red Tide..

I should have had my uterus removed when I had my c-section with the twins.. I had forgotten what it was like to have aunt flo come knocking on a monthly basis.. it's been about 18 months since I mounted the cotton pony.. but alas, I ride again.. And I friggin hate it! I don't think any woman loves getting her period.. but I had really forgotten all about it.. since I'm still nursing the girls, I thought I would get another month or two free from my good friend flo.. but no such luck. She's back, and she's making up for lost time! My husband and I were talking about this very thing the other day, and I jokingly said that I would never get my period again because I had my tubes tied, and he said "oh, that's right.." and he believed me. So little the men know about how the female body works.. Anyway, here's to a couple drinks tonight (it's Friday after all) and knocking back a few advil! Yee ha!

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