I had my final meeting today with the special ed team at our school. It went really well. I have to say, I absolutely love the people there. They have been so accommodating, and even though it's been a lengthy process, the outcome is what's important. Starting next week, until the end of the school year, they are going to do speech therapy with him once a week, with a therapist that I really like. Then starting in July, they are going to do speech 4 times a week, and the therapist is going to come to my house!
Starting in the fall, they have enrolled him into a very good pre school just down the street from me, and will continue with the speech therapy, once a week, unless they think he requires more. The best part is, they pay for it! The school he'll be attending was one that I had inquired about for my oldest son, but couldn't afford. This is going to be so good for him! This totally makes me not want to move.. but whatever happens, he'll have his IEP, so we can just start over somewhere else.. doesn't that sound fun! Whatever.. the important thing is that all the testing is over.. all the meetings are done, and finally, he's going to get the help he so desperately needs! Yee-ha!!
That sounds great. And he's gonna love the personal attention of this teacher! By the way, I'm back in town (after two weeks in China).
I'm so glad he's going to be getting this help- it will be so great for him to have this pre school to go to (and for you as well!)
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