This entire month has been chock full of sick at my house. From my sick babies, with crusty pink eyes, to my sick 4 year old who can't seem to sleep a consecutive 10 minutes at night without calling me to his bed, right down to me.. who is only finding relief in NyQuil right before bed (I'm slowly getting addicted to that shit.. I should just save the money and do a shot of some liquor I already have in the house, but then I'd be drinking instead of self medicating- wait, isn't that the same thing.. ugh, whatever..)
So, the other night, my husband was at band practice, or a soccer game (honestly I can't keep up with his busy social calendar these days) Anyway, he was OUT. The boys have been put to bed and the girls are in the middle of their nightly routine, which includes finding room on my lap in their p.j.'s and sucking down a nice cold bottle of milk. Yum- Mee!!! We're just hanging out, I'm catching up on the celeb's with one of those stupid entertainment shows, when one of the twins starts coughing so hard that she barfs all over herself, me and the couch. Lovely. So, we all go into the bathroom where I do a quick change for both of us, clean up the couch and sit in another spot to let her very upset sister finish up her bottle so that I can put them to bed. Well, it's only about 10 seconds later when the "identical" twin starts hacking like her sister did only 5 minutes earlier.. and yes, of course, she pukes all over herself, me and the chair. Again, lovely. I'm running out of clothes for myself at this point, but then again, it's NOT ABOUT ME!
So, we change, again, I clean up the chair, and decide that letting them finish their bottles would just be my blondest moment ever, so instead they just hang, I make sure no one is going to do anymore vomiting (which they don't- well, the girls don't anyway) And they are off to bed..
Now it's 2 hours later, my NyQuil has taken effect.. and my brain has retired for the night.. until my 4 year old wakes up coughing, and crying for me. I run into his room, settle him down, and head back to bed. I swear, 2 minutes later, he's doing it again. It's really killing my NyQuil buzz people! After about the 5th time of running in, and realizing that he doesn't care if Santa doesn't bring him anything, I hear my husband return. I quickly tell him that it's his turn, and if I have to go in there again, I might just have to hurt him... I imagine this is when my husband looks at me lovingly and wonders how he got so lucky, but I don't care. I'm tired, sick, and I just want to get some sleep..
At about the 4th time of getting my husband to come in instead of me, I can hear the kid just wailing.. so I go in to see if my presence will shut him the hell up, and just as I enter the room, he barfs.. luckily not on me. But it's still barf, and there is of course still cleaning to be done..
The night ends up with my 4 year old in my bed, joined by one of his sisters later, and my husband comfy on the couch.. Now multiply this by the past 3 or 4 nights, and this is the pain I've been suffering.. Last night, I had both babies, and the boy in my bed.. It's no wonder I'm turning into a NyQuil addict!